Participles related Questions and Answers general english series #11

Participles related Questions and Answers
1. Suguganya got —— as an officer in State bank of India.
A. appoint
B. appointed
C. appoints
D. appointee
2. They listened to him —–
A. spellbinded
B. spellbind
C. spellbinding
D. spellbound
3. We are —— with your behavior.
A. please
B. pleased
C. pleasure
D. being pleasuring
4. The dress warrants ——
A. washed
B. wash
C. being washed
D. washing
5. On entering the house, he found all jewels ——
A. steal
B. steals
C. stealing
D. stolen
6. I want the book —– in a week.
A. writes
B. written
C. is written
D. was written
7. On seeing the police, the thief started ——
A. run
B. runs
C. running
D. its running
8. The train is —— out of the platform now.
A. pull
B. pulls
C. pulled
D. pulling
9. The girls became —— on seeing the eclipse.
A. excite
B. excited
C. exciting
D. excitedly
10. My shoes need
A. mend
B. mended
C. mending
D. being mended
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