Pie chart questions and answers for bank po

Pie Chart Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams
Q.9. What percent of the total weight of a human body is equivalent to the weight of the proteins in the skin in a human body?
(A) 0.016
(B) 1.6
(C) 0.16
(D) Data inadequate
Ans . B
Q.10.To show the distribution of proteins and other dry elements in the human body, they are of the circle should subtend at the center an angle of:
(A) 540
(B) 1260
(C) 1080
(D) 2520
Ans . C
Direction(Question 11 to 19): The following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of the expenditure incurred in published a book. Study the pie-chart and answer the question based on it.
Q.11. What is the central angle of the sector corresponding to the expenditure incurred on Royalty?
(A) 150
(B) 240
(C) 540
(D) 480
Ans . C
Q.12. Which two expenditures together have a central angle of 1080?
(A) Binding Cost and Transportation Cost
(B) Printing Cost and Paper Cost
(C) Royalty and Promotion Cost
(D) Binding Cost and Paper Cost
Ans . A
Q.13. If the difference between the two expenditures are represented by 180 in the pie-chart, then these expenditures possibly are:
(A) Binding Cost and Promotion Cost
(B) Paper Cost and Royalty
(C) Binding Cost and Printing Cost
(D) Paper Cost and Printing Cost
Ans . D
Q.14. If for an edition of the book, the cost of paper is Rs. 56250, then find the promotion cost for this edition?
(A) Rs. 20,000
(B) Rs. 22,500
(C) Rs. 25,500
(D) Rs. 28,125
Ans . B
Q.15. If for a certain quantity of books, the publisher has to pay Rs. 30,600 as printing cost, then what will be the amount of royalty to be paid for these books?
(A) Rs. 19,450
(B) Rs. 21,200
(C) Rs. 22,950
(D) Rs. 26,150
Ans . C
Q.16. The price of the book is marked 20% above the C.P. If the market price of the book is Rs. 180, then what is the cost of the paper used in a single copy of the books?
(A) Rs. 36
(B) Rs. 37.50
(C) Rs. 42
(D) Rs. 44.25
Ans . B
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