Questions About Indian History for Quiz

Indian History subject is very important in the present competitive examinations because due to the large number of questions, the weightage is also high. Noted this, a MCQ quiz blog including the top points for Indian History is here which will be very useful for you.
Indian History asked in various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Bank, Railway, Delhi Police, BSF Army, CISF, NDA, Navy, CET, CDS, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Patwari, Exams, All state exams. You can easily practice the questions here those who want strengthen the basis of their success.
Questions About Indian History
Q : Who among the following Chahamana ruler defeated Sultan Muhammad Ghori in 1191?
(A) Vigraharaja III
(B) Ajayaraja II
(C) Prithviraja III
(D) Durlabharaja III
Correct Answer : C
In which year, did Sher Khan defeat Humayun at Kanauj?
(A) 1541
(B) 1543
(C) 1540
(D) 1542
Correct Answer : C
Consider the following statements about a fort:
1. It was originally known as Mankal.
2. It was built on a hilltop in the year 1143.
In above mentioned sentences, forts is being talked about?
(A) Chitradurg Fort
(B) Daulatabad Fort
(C) Fort Aguada
(D) Golconda Fort
Correct Answer : D
Which of the following statements about Veda Samaj is correct?
I. It was established in Madras in 1864.
II. It worked to abolish caste distinctions and promote widow remarriage and women’s education.
(A) Neither I nor II
(B) Only II
(C) Both I and II
(D) Only I
Correct Answer : C
When was Delhi made the capital of India?
(A) 1905
(B) 1911
(C) 1912
(D) 1916
Correct Answer : C
Where is the Sun Temple situated?
(A) Jaipur
(B) Bangalore
(C) Hyderabad
(D) Konark
Correct Answer : D
Name the commander of the Arab army who conquered Sindh?
(A) Al-hazaz
(B) Qutubuddin ebak
(C) Alauddin Khilji
(D) Mohammed bin Kasim
Correct Answer : D
Name the clan of Buddha belonged to-
(A) Champa
(B) Maurya
(C) Shakya
(D) Kuru
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
Mahatma Buddha was belonged to Shakya Clan. The most Famous Shakya was Gautama Buddha, a member of the ruling Gautama clan of Lumbini, who is also known as “Shakyamuni Buddha”.
The Gurumukhi script was started by which Sikh Guru?
(A) Guru Angad Dev
(B) Guru Amar Das
(C) Guru Har Raj
(D) Guru Har Krishan
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
1. The Gurmukhi script was created by the second Sikh Guru, Guru Angad (1539-1552) in the 16th century AD.
2. He was the second Sikh Guru after the death of Guru Nanak (1469-1539).
3. The Sikh religious book, Guru Granth Sahib or Adi Granth was written in this script.
The Indian National Congress was founded by -
(A) Motilal Nehru
(B) Vyomesh Chandra Banerjee
(C) Dadabhai Naoroji
(D) A. O. Hume
Correct Answer : D