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There are five friends-Satish, Kishore, Mohan, Anil and Rajesh. Mohan is tallest. Satish is shorter than Kishore but taller than Rajesh. Anil is little shorter than Kishore but Anil is little taller than Satish. Who is taller than Rajesh but Shorter than Anil?
There are five friends-Satish, Kishore, Mohan, Anil and Rajesh. Mohan is tallest. Satish is shorter than Kishore but taller than Rajesh. Anil is little shorter than Kishore but Anil is little taller than Satish. Who is taller than Rajesh but Shorter than Anil?
- 1Anilfalse
- 2Kishorefalse
- 3Rajeshfalse
- 4Satishtrue
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