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In the given question, four words are printed in bold and are numbered A, B, C, and D. Of these, the positions of two of these words may be incorrect and need to be exchanged to make the sentence correct. Find the two words which need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e. No improvement.

Union minister M.J. Akbar newspapers (A) to take legal action against several women journalists (B) who had accused (C) him of sexual harassment at two threatened (D) where he had been an editor.

  • 1
    Both A-B and C-D
  • 2
    Only C-D
  • 3
    Only A-B
  • 4
    Only A-D
  • 5
    No improvement
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Answer : 4. "Only A-D"
Explanation :

If we go through the given statement, it is not correct since it does not make any sense. 

Though it may seem that with some changes, the sentence would imply something. 

Here, we have to understand the context of the statement which is talking about the action to be taken by the Union Minister against others. 

Now, coming to the options, Option 1 can be ruled out since it is clear that with this option being implemented, the resultant statement would not make any sense whatsoever.

With Option 2 also, the same may be said since it also does not make any sense.

Option 3 can be ruled out since it does imply anything.

Option 4 is the right pick since if we interchange the words according to this option, the resultant statement will make sense. 'Threatened' should be used along with the term 'legal action', and with further part of the sentence 'two newspapers' fitting in well. 

Correct sentence: Union minister M.J. Akbar threatened to take legal action against several women journalists who had accused him of sexual harassment at two newspapers where he had been the editor.

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