Railway GK Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Railway GK Questions
Q.7 Which train in India has the longest route length?
(A) Howrah - Jammu Tawi Himgiri Express
(B) Kanyakumari - Jammu Tawi Himsagar Express
(C) Kanyakumari - Dibrugarh Vivek Express
(D) Guwahati-Thiruvanthapuram Express
Ans . C
Q.9 Where is the Railway Staff College located?
(A) Pune
(B) Delhi
(C) Vadodara
(D) Allahabad
Ans . C
Q.10 On which of the following is the longest railway bridge in India located?
(A) River Ganges
(B) Vembanad Lake
(C) River Brahmaputra
(D) Chilka Lake
Ans . B
Q.11 In which of the following cities are located 3 zonal headquarters of Indian Railways?
(A) Guwahati
(B) Mumbai
(C) New Delhi
(D) Kolkata
Ans . D
Q.12 Who of the following is known for having designed the first railway timetables?
(A) George Bradman
(B) George Bernard Shaw
(C) George Bradshaw
(D) George Brummel
Ans . C
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