When the result of SSC-Cgl Tier2 will be Declared?

Presently there is a court stay on declaration of CGL13 result by CAT(Central Administrative Tribunal). Earlier there was stay on even conducting Tier2 exam but ssc got it revoked just days before the scheduled date. Next hearing in this case is on 28th Nov. It is anticipated that CAT may pronounce judgment or at least allow SSC to initiate process of result declaration which includes publishing the keys. If the CAT allows SSC to declare the result than we may expect result in the last week of December. Complainant in this case is seeking cancellation of exam citing widespread leak of paper. Here is statement of ex-SSC Chief Shri Kannan Raghupathy-
“I have been receiving large number of queries on FB and twitter regarding CGLE 2013. Unfortunately I do not have any reliable information. I would have personally liked the SSC to publish the answer keys and await 28th Nov. If CAT does not decide the case on 28th SSC should move the CAT for permission to declare the results of Tier II with the assurance that the final results will not be declared before the decision of CAT or with out its permission. It appears that SSC has decided to wait ofr 28th Nov on the premise that placement of answer keys on the website may tantamount to preparation of the results of Tier II. The candidates should respect the action of SSC and wait till 28th. There is no point in being panicky. Even if SSC proceeds after 28th there will be ample time to finish DEST/CPT and the interview and bring out the final result by 31st March. It is unfortunate that CAT is delaying decision on such an important case which will affect the future of large number of candidates. But courts often have their own logic.”
We will update you more on the decison of court on 28 November.