RRB NTPC Exam pattern

5 years ago 20.4K Views
rrb ntpc exam pattern 2019

Before start preparation of any competitive exam, you should understand the exam pattern. If you are planning to get a high score in the RRB NTPC exam then you need to know RRB NTPC exam pattern 2019.

Exam pattern helps to make a study plan for the upcoming exam whereby you can get excellence in all subjects of RRB NTPC exam. 

If you preparing for RRB group D, you can know about RRB Group D Exam Pattern 2019 to better preparation.

RRB NTPC exam pattern

RRB NTPC exam pattern has divided into four stages:

(1) Computer Based Test (CBT – 1)

(2) Computer Based Test (CBT – 2)

(3) Typing Skill Test/Computer-Based Aptitude Test (as applicable)

(4) Document Verification/Medical Examination. The details are given below

(1) Computer Based Test (CBT - 1) - Common for all notified posts of this:

Exam Duration

in minutes

No. of Questions (each of 1 mark) from

General Awareness


General Intelligence and Reasoning

Total No. of Questions






  • The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices.
  • The examination duration will be 90 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates.
  • There will be negative marking and 1/3 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • The normalized score of 1st Stage CBT shall be used for shortlisting of candidates for 2nd Stage CBT as per their merit.
  • Candidates who are shortlisted for 2nd Stage CBT availing the reservation benefits of OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/EWS, PwBD and ExSM shall continue to be considered only against OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/EWS, PwBD and ExSM for all subsequent stages of recruitment process.

(2)  Computer Based Test (CBT - 2):

Shortlisting of Candidates for the 2nd Stage CBT shall be based on the normalized marks obtained by them in 1st Stage CBT and the options for various posts exercised by them keeping in view the educational qualification of the candidate i.e. 10+2 or Graduate.

Total no. of candidates to be shortlisted shall be 20 times the community wise vacancies of posts notified against the RRB as per their merit in 1st Stage CBT cum choice of posts. However, Railways reserve the right to increase/decrease this limit in total or for any specific category(s) as required to ensure availability of adequate candidates for all the notified posts.

The examination duration and number of questions for 2nd stage CBT are indicated below:

Exam Duration

in minutes

No. of Questions (each of 1 mark) from

General Awareness


General Intelligence and Reasoning

Total No. of Questions






  • The examination duration will be 120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates.
  • The section-wise distribution given in the above table is only indicative and there may be some variations in the actual question papers. 
  • There will be negative marking and 1/3 mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

(3) Typing Skill Test (TST): 

  • For the posts, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist and Junior Time Keeper, Typing Skill Test (TST) of qualifying nature (marks obtained in typing skill test shall not be added for making merit) shall be conducted for which the number of candidates equal to eight times the number of vacancies for each of the community shall be called for.
  • The candidates should be able to type 30 words per minute (WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on Personal Computer only without editing tools and spell check facility. For guidelines of those who appear for typing skill test in Hindi, Kruti Dev and Mangal font shall be made available for typing skill test on Personal Computer.
  • Exemption in Typing Skill Test may be extended to candidates who are permanently disabled due to Blindness/Low Vision, Cerebral Palsy & Loco Motor Disability with not less than 40% permanent disability.
  • Such eligible PwBD candidates have to upload a scanned copy of Typing Skill Test Exemption Certificate issued by the Competent Medical Board on the website of respective RRBs before conduct of typing skill test in the format at Annexure V(E). The merit will be drawn only for the candidates qualified in the TST or TST exempted PwBD candidates based on performance in 2nd Stage CBT.

(4) Document Verification (DV):

Based on the performance of candidates in 2nd Stage CBT and based on the performance of candidates in both 2nd Stage CBT and CBAT/TST (as applicable), candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for Document Verification as per their merit and options. In addition, candidates equal to 50% (may increase or decrease at the discretion of RRBs) of the number of vacancies for various posts will also be called for document verification.


Without an exam pattern, you cannot get a good score in the examination. Exam pattern is the way of developing confidence because you can easily plan for your preparation according to the exam pattern.

If you have any problem or have any quires regarding RRB NTPC exam pattern 2019, ask me in the comment section.

All the best for RRB NTPC exam.

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