SSC CGL Interview Experience

Dear Candidates,
Here, we're sharing a live interview experience as shared by one of our regular candidates.
My interview was inboard 2 on 6th January at SSC (nr) office. After document verification, my turn came at 3 pm (11:30 batch).
There were 3 members in-all on the board including a lady.
After entering the room, they asked me to sign against my name but I have left my pen outside so I asked the same from them.
- One of them said- what is the problem, no one is taking a pen from us.
- Me- Sir, I was taking it inside but outside they said you don't have to take anything inside, that’s why I left it outside.
- M1- Ok, you have done engineering in IT from MNIT Jaipur
- Me- Yes sir.
I had specified in my CV about participation in a poster competition on International Non-Violence Day. So, he asked—
- M1> Gandhi Ji was the finest leader the world had seen up to now. Do you agree with this? If yes, then how??
- Me> Yes sir, I totally agree with this. In our freedom struggle without having the mediums of fast communication like today, the way he managed the whole movement and the whole country was behind him, the way he connected with everyone, these are some qualities only a good leader can do. Also, his 'Simple Living, High Thinking' ideal, made him a role model that the people could follow.
- M1> Britishers lived all booted and suited, were they not the good leaders??
- Me> Sir, this is true that they were making a huge profit for England but this feature could not prove that they were good leaders. It takes principals, honor, and honesty that define a true leader.
- M1> You are an IT student. Are you aware that the govt is running some programs??
- Me> I explained about the Digital India Program.
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When I said about reaching the internet in 2.5 lakh panchayats, he asked-
- M1> Do you know how many districts and villages in India??
- Me> Nearly 600 and 6 lakh. I explained that each panchayat holds around 2-3 villages. In this way, the whole county will be covered.
- M1> Then he asked many other questions like How IT can be used in education, about AKASH tablet, its price, etc.
I answered them as well as I could. Then, L1 asked me about current and previous RBI governors and their total numbers till now.
- Me> Sorry, I don't know the numbers.
- L1> On which notes RBI governor's signature is required??
- Me> All except one rupee note.
- L1> Who, then, signs on 1 rupee note?
- Me> Finance Secretory.
- L1> What is the legal currency tender?
- Me> One rupee.
- L1> Yes, very well. You are right.
Also Check- Important Tips to Clear SSC CGL Interview
- M2> You talked about Gandhi Ji. So, Non-violence was first used by Gandhi Ji or we had it in our culture already??
- Me> Yes sir, we had it from ancient times, likely from the Vedic period.
- M2> No, no. Not from the Vedic period.
He explained to me we have it from Buddha, Mahavir, Akbar’s times.
- M2> You rightly said that the Britishers were not good leaders. What do you think was the difference between Mughals and Britishers???
- Me> Mughals came to India and settled here. They mixed with our society and became one of us. But, Britishers used to think themselves superior from Indians. They established colonial rule, exploiting every section of the society, and doing only things that were favorable to them, which is why they had to go in the very end.
Then, he also explained to me about wealth drainage. At last, he thanked me and in response, I also thanked them and rushed out of the room. I didn’t notice the time, it lasted nearly 15 to 20 minutes. It was not a very stressful interview.
Here is the lesson- 'Do not argue with the elderly and experienced people. Listen to them with deep interest and curiosity.'
Thanks for reading about my experience.