Whether SSC-CGL exam will held in 2014?

Dhirendra12 years ago 9.4K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play

There is much speculation among CGL aspirants about whether or not SSC CGL-14 exam will held. Mainly two reasons are floating around-
First, In 2014 there will be general election and model code of conduct will be in place.
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Second, Indian economy is doing badly and to contain fiscal deficit below 4.8% Govt. has announced austerity measures which includes ban on recruitments. For more read http://newindianexpress.com/nation/No-new-government-jobs-as-UPA-tightens-belt/2013/09/19/article1791368.ece
Now let me rebut these two reasons one by one-
Yes, 2014 is an election year but 2014 being an election year doesn’t mean that the country will come to a stand-still and no business will transact.

Government has not stopped existing exams/recruitments. It has merely banned creation of new posts.
Here I quote from facebook statement of ssc north region chief Sunil Ranjan-

“I have received so many messages that govt is stopping recruitment but the fact is that govt has only stopped the creation of plan n non plan post since every yr dept send proposal for creation of such posts. The recruitment made by ssc comes under the already existing post therefore u all shouldn’t worry abt this further to know certain things n to analyze in better manner one should have proper knowledge therefore dnt trust news reporting blindly. I expect u all to be more mature knowledgeable n for such query I m always available I concern a lot for ur career n future. ”


Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Exam., 2014
Date of Advertisement 18.01.2014
Closing Date 14.02.2014
Date of Exam 27.04.2014 (Sunday) & 04.05.2014 (Sunday)

Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Exam., 2014
Date of Exam 31.08.2014 (Sunday)

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has been given a target of recruiting two lakh people for central government posts by 2015.

So friends, This is golden time for securing a nice govt job. Start preparing now.
In SSC cgl 2014 and 2015 you have great chance.
Keep following our site we will provide material and guidance.

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He is a keen observer of examinations conducted by SSC. Follow him on twitter <a href="https://twitter.com/dhirendramay">@dhirendramay</a> <a href="http://www.examsbook.com/qa/ask">Have any doubt about ssc . Ask him the doubt. Click here</a>

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