SSC CPO Syllabus & Exam Pattern

Each student must cover the SSC CPO Exam Pattern & Syllabus before appearing in the examination hall. Means, If you are one of those candidates who desire to get all the important information related to the selection process and syllabus after applying for the SSC CPO Examination 2022, you have come to the right stop.
Basically, The SSC CPO syllabus helps set the study boundary, collect & make the required notes, and know & comprehend the subject-wise topics needed for the examination.
For your benefit, we are sharing the entire information of the Exam Pattern and Syllable for Delhi Police SI Examination. Thus, regular practice will help you get accuracy and maximum marks in the examination.
Go through the complete SSC CPO Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2022 and kick start your strategic preparation for SSC CPO Exam 2022.
SSC CPO Selection Process
Candidates will have mainly to undergo three different phases for the SI & ASI posts in Central Police Organization. All phases are compulsory (if the candidate fails in any phase, will not get a chance in the next stage).
(1) Computer-Based Written Exam (Paper I & II)
(2) Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
(3) Medical Test
SSC CPO Exam Pattern
The examination will consist of two papers. Paper-I and Paper-II Computer Based Examination. The detail of these papers will be as follows:-
Paper I -
Subject |
No. of Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
General Intelligence & Reasoning |
50 |
50 |
2 Hours |
General Knowledge & General Awareness |
50 |
50 | |
Quantitative Aptitude |
50 |
50 | |
English Comprehension |
50 |
50 | |
200 |
200 |
Paper II -
Only those candidates, who qualified in PET/PST and were found medically fit will be allowed to appear in Paper-II.
Subject |
No. of Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
English Language & Comprehension |
200 |
200 |
2 Hours |
Important Points:
- The language of the question papers will be English and Hindi except for the English section.
- Questions in both papers will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type, each question will carry one mark.
- There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-I & Paper-II.
- Marks scored by candidates in Computer Based Examinations will be normalized.
SSC CPO PET/PST Pattern 2022 (For all posts)
Physical Standard Test (PST) for Male & Female -
Category | Height | Chest (Normal in cms) | Chest (Expanded in cms) |
Male (General) | 170 cms (5’7”) | 80 cms | 85 cms |
Male (Hill area) | 165 cms (5’5”) | 80 cms | 85 cms |
Male (ST) | 162.5 cms (5’4”) | 77 cms | 82 cms |
Female (General) | 157 cms (5’2”) | – | – |
Female (Hill Area) | 155 cms (5’1”) | – | – |
Female (ST) | 154 cms (5’0”) | – | – |
Weight: Corresponding to height (for all posts).
Physical Endurance Test (PET) For Male Candidates -
Race | 100 meters race in 16 seconds |
1.6 km race in 6.5 minutes | |
Long Jump | 3.65 meters in 3 chances |
High Jump | 1.2 meters in 3 chances |
Shot put (16 Lbs) | 4.5 meters in 3 chance |
Physical Endurance Test (PET) For Female Candidates -
Race | 100 meters race in 18 seconds |
800 meters race in 4 minutes | |
Long Jump | 2.7 meters in 3 chances |
High Jump | 0.9 meters in 3 chances |
SSC CPO 2022 Medical Test
Criteria for the Medical Test are given below:
- Minimum Near Vision: N6 (better eye) and N9 (worse eye)
- Minimum Distant Vision: 6/6 (better eye) and 6/9 (worse eye)
- Must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein, or squint in eyes
- Eye standards should be without visual correction of any kind even by glasses.
SSC CPO Syllabus
Here we are giving you a complete SSC CPO Syllabus with the subject-wise topics of SSC CPO Paper I & Paper II. However, Both papers are conducted online by SSC.
For Paper I -
General Intelligence & Reasoning:
- Verbal Reasoning
- Syllogism
- Circular Seating Arrangement
- Linear Seating Arrangement
- Double Lineup
- Scheduling
- Input-Output
- Blood Relations
- Directions and Distances
- Ordering and Ranking
- Data Sufficiency
- Coding and Decoding
- Code Inequalities
General Knowledge and General Awareness:
- Current Affairs of National and Intentional Importance
- Awards and Honours
- Books and Authors
- Sports
- Entertainment
- Obituaries
- Important Dates
- Scientific Research
Quantitative Aptitude:
- Percentage
- Ratio and Percentage
- Data Interpretation
- Mensuration and Geometry
- Quadratic Equation
- Interest
- Problems of Ages
- Profit and Loss
- Number Series
- Speed, Distance, and Time
- Time and Work
- Number System
- Data Sufficiency
English Comprehension:
- Reading Comprehension
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- Verbal Ability
- Synonyms-Antonyms
- Active and Passive Voice
- Para Jumbles
- Fill in the Blanks
- Error Correction
- Idioms
For Paper 2 -
Let’s have a look at the detailed syllabus of the SSC CPO for Paper 2
English Language and Comprehension:
- Error Recognition
- Fill in the Blanks
- Vocabulary
- Spellings
- Grammar
- Sentence Structure
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Sentence Completion
- Phrases and Idiomatic Use of Words
- Comprehension
Important Links -
Event |
Links |
Official Syllabus |
Official Exam Pattern |
SSC CPO Notification 2022 |
Official Website |
SSC CPO Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2022 - FAQs
Q. Is the SSC released the latest SSC CPO Recruitment 2022?
Ans. Yes, SSC recently released SSC CPO Recruitment 2022 to fill up 4300 vacancies.
Q. Which departments are appointed through SSC CPO Recruitment?
Ans. After clearing all recruitment phases, candidates are appointed to Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces.
Q. Is there an interview for the SSC CPO Exam?
Ans. No, there is no interview in the SSC CPO Exam.
Q. Which Test Series is beneficial for SSC CPO Paper 1st and 2nd?
Ans. SSC CPO Test Series 2022 is the best for SSC CPO Paper 1st and 2nd, here you can get a number of 10 SSC CPO Tier 1 Mock Tests, CPO Important Practice Tests & SSC CPO Tier 2 Mock Tests. Also, you can follow Examsbook for preparation for other SSC, UPSC, RSMSSB, and BANK Exams.
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