32 is what percentage of 80?
315 06540d5778e6628cb6db479400.001 is equivalent to:
2534 05ef4778df2ebd073795c9fd8P is six times as large as Q. The percentage that Q is less than P, is:
1569 05ef472712d6fc772f50c54e3The difference of two numbers is 15 % of their sum. the ratio of the larger number to the smaller number is:
1026 05ef46ceb9d32d072c24c2744A man purchased 7 bags of rice at the rate of ₹ 800 each, 8 bags of rice at ₹ 1000 each and 5 bags of rice at the rate of ₹ 1200 each. What is the average cost of one bag of rice?
413 06540cd7dc298bbcb0284a093The average of 8 numbers is 27. If each of the numbers is multiplied by 8, find the average of new set of numbers.
611 062ff8060a6d1894ab156cd88