When does Time Bomb happen?
534 063ecd39e3c221e1b4dce5a32it can be programmed to activate during a particular date or time, making it a significant threat if it goes undetected until the specified trigger conditions are met. Time bombs are often used by attackers to initiate their malicious activities at a specific moment, adding an element of surprise and making it difficult to prevent or mitigate the damage.
Delayed payload of some virus is called-
875 063ecd3f90fa4111f87e15e1bIn the context of computer viruses or malware, a time bomb is a type of malicious code that is programmed to execute a harmful action at a specific date and time or after a certain period has elapsed. This delayed activation makes it challenging to detect and prevent the attack until it's too late.
With which of the following is the Break statement used?
525 063ede5893c221e1b4dd104fdThe break statement is used with loops (such as for and while loops) and switch statements in programming. In loops, it is used to exit the loop prematurely, while in a switch statement, it is used to exit the switch block after executing a specific case.
What is it called when more than one if-statement is used together?
511 063ede4ad7312b71d33e25815Certainly! A nested if statement refers to an if statement that is placed inside another if statement or other control structures. It allows for more specific conditions and complex decision-making in a program. The inner if statement is only executed if the outer if statement's condition is true.
Which of the following is not an OS?
604 063eccaa335d86258ec99eed4"MUS" is not a recognized operating system abbreviation in common use. Operating systems are software programs that manage computer hardware and provide services for computer programs. Examples of well-known operating systems include Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix. "MUS" does not correspond to any widely used operating system.
Which cobble is used to send modulated light?
639 063ee06080fa4111f87e466e4It seems there might be a confusion in your question. If you are referring to the technology used for transmitting data using modulated light, the term you are looking for is "fiber optic cable" or simply "fiber." Fiber optic cables are thin, flexible strands of glass or plastic that transmit data as modulated light pulses. They are widely used for high-speed data transmission over long distances due to their ability to carry large amounts of data with low attenuation and high bandwidth capabilities.