General Knowledge Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: When is World Environment Day celebrated?
986 05fc0dd4ba96c23701f1687bc
5fc0dd4ba96c23701f1687bc- 15th Aprilfalse
- 25th Marchfalse
- 35th Mayfalse
- 45 Junetrue
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Answer : 4. "5 June"
Explanation :
1. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June.
2. Its objective is to make mankind aware of the environment.
3. First held in 1973, it has been a platform to raise awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime. World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually.
Q: When is World Environment Day celebrated?
1223 05f51cf76babe6f30d0a43c27
5f51cf76babe6f30d0a43c27- 13 Junefalse
- 25 Junetrue
- 37 Junefalse
- 41 Junefalse
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Answer : 2. "5 June"
Explanation :
1. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June.
2. Its objective is to make mankind aware of the environment.
3. First held in 1973, it has been a platform to raise awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime. World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually.
4. The issue of celebrating World Environment Day was raised for the first time in the United Nations General Assembly regarding human environment. After this, on June 5, 1973, many countries celebrated the first World Environment Day. You should read the Environment Day facts listed below.
Q: Which of the following is not a Rabi crop?
999 05f9fc3d633d1d86b9ab1520f
5f9fc3d633d1d86b9ab1520f- 1Rye (mustard)false
- 2Ricetrue
- 3Wheatfalse
- 4Gramfalse
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Answer : 2. "Rice"
Explanation :
Rabi season crops – Rabi crops are generally sown in the months of October and November and harvested from April to May.
Major crops of Rabi season – wheat, barley, gram, mustard, peas, berseem, rizka, green fodder, lentils, potato, rye, tobacco, lahi, oats, linseed and sunflower etc. Rabi season crops require low temperature at the time of sowing, hence they are sown in winter season. There should be a dry and warm environment for them to ripen.
Q: Where is International Monetary Fund headquarter located?
791 06329edce5c208a6bf7df01c6
6329edce5c208a6bf7df01c6- 1New Yorkfalse
- 2Genevafalse
- 3Parisfalse
- 4Washington D.C.true
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Answer : 4. "Washington D.C. "
Explanation :
The headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is located in Washington D.C., United States. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations. The IMF was established at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. Its objectives are to promote global monetary cooperation, safeguard financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
Q: How many seats are reserved in Lok Sabha for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (as on 26 Jan. 2019)?
545 06329ed065c208a6bf7df0175
6329ed065c208a6bf7df0175- 147 and 84false
- 284 and 47true
- 389 and 42false
- 442 and 89false
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Answer : 2. "84 and 47"
Explanation :
According to the order issued by the Delimitation Commission in 2008, 412 seats are reserved for General, 84 seats for Scheduled Caste and 47 seats for Scheduled Tribes.
Q: When is 'World No Tobacco Day' celebrated every year?
727 060b770777d05f014461d2c1b
60b770777d05f014461d2c1b- 101 Junefalse
- 231Maytrue
- 329 Mayfalse
- 402 Junefalse
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Answer : 2. "31May"
Explanation :
World No Tobacco Day is organized every year on 31 May by the World Health Organization to promote awareness about the risks related to consumption of tobacco and its products and its ill effects on family, society and environment.
Q: When is World No Tobacco Day celebrated?
910 05f51d152b308ed1745b316c6
5f51d152b308ed1745b316c6- 121 Mayfalse
- 231 Maytrue
- 311 Junefalse
- 41 Aprilfalse
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Answer : 2. "31 May"
Explanation :
World No Tobacco Day is organized every year on 31 May by the World Health Organization to promote awareness about the risks related to consumption of tobacco and its products and its ill effects on family, society and environment.
Q: World No Tobacco Day is observed every year?
2426 05eddf27dd1536a09d571153d
5eddf27dd1536a09d571153d- 131 Maytrue
- 230 Mayfalse
- 325 Mayfalse
- 427 Mayfalse
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Answer : 1. "31 May"
Explanation :
World No Tobacco Day is organized every year on 31 May by the World Health Organization to promote awareness about the risks related to consumption of tobacco and its products and its ill effects on family, society and environment.