General Knowledge Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which country is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea formed by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar?
1000 0607ea0ad0372d85428951cc5
607ea0ad0372d85428951cc5- 1Bangladeshfalse
- 2Myanmarfalse
- 3Sri Lankatrue
- 4Pakistanfalse
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Answer : 3. "Sri Lanka"
Q: Which of the following countries are associated with Palk Strait?
1825 15f8d5aed7793eb35d71ca207
5f8d5aed7793eb35d71ca207- 1Pakistan and Chinafalse
- 2India and Sri Lankatrue
- 3North Korea and South Koreafalse
- 4Britain and Francefalse
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Answer : 2. "India and Sri Lanka"
Q: Sri Lanka is situated off the southeast coast of India across the Palk Strait and Gulf of _________.
1206 05f4ca37a081699374e7fef95
5f4ca37a081699374e7fef95- 1Kutchfalse
- 2Mannartrue
- 3Khabhatfalse
- 4Cambayfalse
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Answer : 2. "Mannar"
Explanation :
1. Palk Strait is a strait between the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the Mannar district of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
2. This strait connects the Bay of Bengal to the Palk Bay in the north-east and then to the Gulf of Mannar in the south-west.
3. The strait that separates India and Sri Lanka is the Palak Strait.
Q: 'Palk strait' is located between -
761 06408be6336c856ead79a1d72
6408be6336c856ead79a1d72- 1India and Maldivesfalse
- 2India and Indonesiafalse
- 3India and Myanmarfalse
- 4India and Sri Lankatrue
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Answer : 4. "India and Sri Lanka"
Q: Which of the nations are connected with Palk Strait-
584 0632daaa9751e5310a5d0cf03
632daaa9751e5310a5d0cf03- 1India and Sri Lankatrue
- 2North Korea and South Koreafalse
- 3Pakistan and Chinafalse
- 4Britain and Francefalse
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Answer : 1. "India and Sri Lanka"
Explanation :
1. Palk Strait is a strait between the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the Mannar district of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
2. This strait connects the Bay of Bengal to the Palk Bay in the north-east and then to the Gulf of Mannar in the south-west.
3. The strait that separates India and Sri Lanka is the Palak Strait.
Q: Which of the following strait separates India and Srilanka?
652 06329eb35751e5310a5bc6536
6329eb35751e5310a5bc6536- 1Gibraltor Straitfalse
- 2Pak Straittrue
- 3Bering Straitfalse
- 4Sunda Straitfalse
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Answer : 2. "Pak Strait"
Explanation :
1. Palk Strait is a strait between the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the Mannar district of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
2. This strait connects the Bay of Bengal to the Palk Bay in the north-east and then to the Gulf of Mannar in the south-west.
3. The strait that separates India and Sri Lanka is the Palak Strait.
Q: The Tamil epic, 'Manimekalai' was composed by______.
688 06329ea6d751e5310a5bc6126
6329ea6d751e5310a5bc6126- 1Ilangofalse
- 2Tyrutakkatevarfalse
- 3Sattanartrue
- 4Pulavarfalse
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Answer : 3. "Sattanar"
Explanation :
1. Manimekalai was composed by Sattanar about 1400 years ago.
2. This epic describes the story of Kovalan and Madhavi's daughter.
Q: Study of birds is called?
1428 05ebcd4ac1c43d211834b66d6
5ebcd4ac1c43d211834b66d6- 1Ornithologytrue
- 2Entomologyfalse
- 3Birdologyfalse
- 4Herpetologyfalse
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Answer : 1. "Ornithology "
Explanation :
1. Ornithology is a branch of zoology that studies birds. It studies different species of birds, their size, shape, colour, behaviour, habitat, reproduction and other aspects.
2. Ornithologists use a variety of methods to collect information about birds, such as field surveys, bird watching, studying bird behavior, and studying fossils.