The eastward continuation of the Brazil current is called–
1230 06041ef8872ea7a693837e508South Atlantic Drift: Also known as the Westerlies Drift, it is the eastward continuation of the Brazil current.
What is The Siberian ibex?
916 060781380c61d5c2ec94d11a0Siberian ibexes are large and heavily built goats, although individual sizes vary greatly.
Male is the capital of which Country?
1120 0607d2355c91527511d8aec3aMale, island and atoll, capital of Maldives, in the Indian Ocean. It lies on Male Atoll, about 400 miles (645 km) southwest of Sri Lanka.
Where is Auckland?
1220 0609a6a078ea85b2491017569Auckland, city, north-central North Island, New Zealand. The country's most populous city and its largest port, Auckland occupies a narrow isthmus between Waitematā Harbour of Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana (east) and Manukau Harbour (southwest).
Sargasso sea is located in
1203 060a78ee2eb4d147142bf0daaThe Sargasso Sea, located entirely within the Atlantic Ocean, is the only sea without a land boundary.
Silk Road Gold fund has been set up by-
1312 060adeb6f149ce93547adb63cThe Chinese government pledged US$40 billion for the creation of the investment fund established on 29 December 2014.
Which of the following republic is not associated with Yugoslavia?
994 060adebe061fb3a37752d3f53Yugoslavia was a country in Southeastern and Central Europe that existed from 1918 to 1992.
It came into existence in 1918 [b] following World War I, by the merger of the Kingdom of Serbia with the Provisional State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs under the name of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (which was composed of territories in the former Austria-Hungary). of Hungary), and formed the first federation of South Slavic peoples as a sovereign state, after centuries of foreign rule over the area under the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary. Peter I of Serbia was its first sovereign. The state received international recognition at the Conference of Ambassadors in Paris on 13 July 1922. The official name of the state was changed to Kingdom of Yugoslavia on 3 October 1929.