All of the following pairs are correct.
(A) Dungji-Jawaharji - Sikar
(B) Mehrab Khan - Kota
(C) Lala Jaidayal - Kota
(D) Thakur Kushal Singh - Jodhpur
The Rajjab Vani' book is related to which cult?
712 06385f78f49a42a5ac18f988dThe book 'Rajab Vani' is related to Dadupanth. Dadupanth is a Bhakti movement of Hinduism, founded by Dadu Dayal in the 15th century. The objective of Dadupanth is to bring people of all religions and castes together and spread love and peace.
Who is the founder of 'Hadoti Seva Sangh"?
747 06385f6a51f68323fe0f651b81. Hadoti Seva Sangh was established under the chairmanship of Pandit Nayanuram Sharma for public awareness in the Hadoti area.
2. Pandit Nayanuram Sharma established Hadoti Prajamandal in 1934 but due to the conservative policy of Maharaja Umed Singh II, this organization became inactive.
3. Pandit Nayanuram Sharma along with Abhinav Hari established Kota Praja Mandal in 1939 because Hadoti Praja Mandal became incompetent.
Match the followingand select the correct answer from the code given below -
List-1 List-II
(i) Jahar Pir (1) Ramdevji
(ii) Incarnation of Shiv (2) Pabuji
(iii) Incarnation of Lakshman
in Phad painting (3) Gogaji
(iv) Ramsa Pir (4) Tejaji
Code -
579 06385fbdc49a42a5ac18fa4b4The correct answer to choose from all the codes is -
List-1 List-II
(i) Jahar Pir (3) Gogaji
(ii) Incarnation of Shiv (4) Tejaji
(iii) Incarnation of Lakshman in Phad painting (2) Pabuji
(iv) Ramsa Pir (1) Ramdevji
Match the following and select the correct answer from the code given below -
Newspapers Place of Publication
(i) Praja Sevak (1) Jaipur
(ii) Naveen Rajasthan (2) Ajmer
(iii) Lokvani (3) Jodhpur
(iv) Sajjan Kirti Sudhakar (4) Udaipur
Code -
782 06385fb1aa72dd915f3173e54The correct answer to choose from all the codes is -
Newspapers Place of Publication
(i) Praja Sevak (3) Jodhpur
(ii) Naveen Rajasthan (2) Ajmer
(iii) Lokvani (1) Jaipur
(iv) Sajjan Kirti Sudhakar (4) Udaipur
'Murkiyan' are worn -
531 06385f484aec44d0c3864f4ecMurkis are ornaments worn in the ears. These are usually made of gold or silver and have a variety of designs. Murkis are traditionally worn by Rajasthani women. These ornaments enhance their beauty and dignity.
What are Lappa, Lappi, Kiran and Gokharu?
1629 06385f3fd49a42a5ac18f8a08Lappa, Lappi, Kiran, Bankali, Bijiya, Mukesh and Champakali are the types of Gota. Khandela (Sikar) and Bhinay (Ajmer) are the main centers of Gota manufacturing. Artistic ivory bangles are made in Jaipur. The work of digging and artistic carving on brass utensils is called Moradabadi art.