(1, 64, 3)
444 064ccf17e29beb3482a5903ad64ccf17e29beb3482a5903adWhich of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
67, 78, 71, 82, 75, 86, ?
524 064cb77dcb6a5e472e27aa62eIn a certain code language, 'BELL’ is coded as '111141' and 'HEAR' is coded as '172647'. How will 'MIKE' be coded in that language?
864 264cb778e9e9013486a9242dcIn a certain code language, 'PLANNED' is written as 'RNCNPGF' and ‘PROMOTE’ is written as ‘RTQMQVG’. How will 'IMPROVE' be written in that language?
412 064cb77318f85ca71558a587bFour clusters have been given out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the one that is different.
462 064cb76d3b6a5e472e27a9edaWhich letter-cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?
427 064cb76a1b6a5e472e27a9ec5