(260, 35, 30)
732 0649c1c09cae316dfef8bcdeb649c1c09cae316dfef8bcdebBy Interchanging the given two numbers which of the following equation will be not correct?
5 and 9
Select the option that is related to the fifth letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster and the fourth letter-cluster is related to the third letter-cluster.
If P + Q means that P is the mother of Q, P ÷ Q means that P is the father of Q, P – Q means that P is the sister of Q, then which of the following expression shows that A is the maternal grandfather of C?
382 0649c18a346047484bc75c922Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following sets. (NOTE: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E. g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding / subtracting / multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed)
(36, 90, 18)
(15, 35, 8)
In a certain code language, ‘MOBILE' is written as ‘PRELOH’ and ‘SILENT’ is written as ‘VLOHQW’, how will 'PAINTING' be written in that language?
531 0649c160f1a612ce001fc2c00A question is given, followed by two statements numbered (I) and (II). You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements is sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and select the appropriate answer.
Question: Four people, A, B, C and D, are sitting in a straight line, facing south. Who is sitting at the right end? Statements:
(I) Only two people sit between B and D; A sits to the immediate left of B.
(II) Only one person sits between B and C; A sits to the immediate right of C.
‘A # B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’.
‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’.
‘A & B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’.
‘A % B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’.
If D @ N @ H & Y @ F % V, then how is Y related to D?