4, 6, 12, 14, 28, 30, ?
440 0647f182762f8ada0354cf419647f182762f8ada0354cf419Select the option that is related to the fourth term in the same way as the first term is related to the second term and the fifth term is related to the sixth term.
35 : 21 :: ? : 36 :: 40 : 24
A @ B means ‘A is the sister of B’.
A & B means ‘A is the brother of B’.
A # B means ‘A is the wife of B’.
A ^ B means ‘A is the mother of B’
A + B means ‘A is the father of B’.
If A + G & I + R @ S @ T # U & V, then which of the following statements is NOT correct?
Which of the following interchange of numbers and mathematical signs would make the given equation correct?
30 ÷ 6 × 4 + 15−35 = 25
If A × B means that A is the father of B, A + B means that A is the mother of B, A ÷ B means that A is the brother of B then which of the following expression shows that Q is the son of P?
549 0647f15a562f8ada0354cecc7After arranging the given words according to dictionary order, which word will come at ‘Fourth’ position?
1. Unseen
2. Unseam
3. Unsafe
4. Unsound
5. Unsay
In a certain code language, ‘PSYCHIC’ is written as ‘YSPCCIH’ and ‘CITIZEN’ is written as ‘TICINEZ’. How will ‘MAHATMA’ be written in that language?
531 0647f144d772333474b967ef0In a certain code language, ‘CYTOSKELETON’ is written as ‘TYCKSOELENOT’, ‘MALNUTRITION’ is written as ‘LAMTUNTIRNOI’. How will ‘ALLITERATION’ be written in that language?
559 0647f13e862f8ada0354cc949