Arithmetic Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: In a school, the bell is rung once after each half an hour. The school starts at 8:00 a.m. and closes at 1: 30 p.m. The bell is rung 3 times continuously, at the time of beginning, at the time of lunch break at 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. and at the end. How many times is the bell rung every day?
7785 05df9ef8a8014020c092ecc97
5df9ef8a8014020c092ecc97- 121false
- 222false
- 319true
- 420false
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Answer : 3. "19"
Q: If the ratio of two numbers is 13 : 15 and their L.C.M. is 39780. So are the numbers?
1161 1631b04ae6a86583500044a46
631b04ae6a86583500044a46- 12550 & 3450false
- 22652 & 3060true
- 32250 & 2340false
- 42450 & 3450false
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Answer : 2. "2652 & 3060"
Q: In a party, if each person shakes hands with all the persons present in the party and the total handshakes will be 66 then the total persons in that party will be -
1767 061a075ad92711a18d3721a40
61a075ad92711a18d3721a40- 112 personstrue
- 211 personsfalse
- 36 personsfalse
- 424 personsfalse
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Answer : 1. "12 persons"
Q: Direction: In the following questions 3 series are given. You have to find the value of a, b and c by identifying the pattern of the series and then you have to establish the relation among a, b and c?
I. 601, 721, 751, a, 766
II. 753, 769, b, 765, 763, 764
III. 23, 24, 50, 153, c, 3085
1132 061a88f9b5e08c72fe67e6ce5
61a88f9b5e08c72fe67e6ce5- 1a > b=cfalse
- 2a = b > ctrue
- 3a = b < cfalse
- 4a >bfalse
- 5None of thesefalse
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Answer : 2. "a = b > c"
Q: There were 15 persons in a group, they shook hands with each other, then tell how many times the total number of hands were shaken -
1515 061a074db4a394508acdc44b1
61a074db4a394508acdc44b1- 1210false
- 2225false
- 3105true
- 4150false
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Answer : 3. "105"
Q: The pages of a book had been numbered 1 to 100 manually. How many times will it be essential to write the digit 5?
1460 0614c65dee1e1995c621dc54c
614c65dee1e1995c621dc54c- 118false
- 224false
- 320true
- 419false
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Answer : 3. "20"
Q: If A, represent ‘ – ‘ and C, represent ‘ × ‘, D represent ‘÷’, and E represent ‘+’ then the value of
14 C 3 A 12 E 4 D 2=?
1519 0601d1640552e5f41f7ba4783
601d1640552e5f41f7ba478314 C 3 A 12 E 4 D 2=?
- 16false
- 217false
- 328false
- 432true
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Answer : 4. "32"
Q: If 879=8, 625=1, 586=9, then 785=?
2806 0601d175c552e5f41f7ba4a33
601d175c552e5f41f7ba4a33- 16true
- 27false
- 38false
- 49false
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