Common General Knowledge Questions and Answers in Hindi Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which Indian state was declared a ‘complete Digital State’?
1216 0607021890d3bb27a206b8bcb
607021890d3bb27a206b8bcb- 1Tamil Nadufalse
- 2Keralatrue
- 3Maharashtrafalse
- 4Karnatakafalse
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Answer : 2. "Kerala"
Explanation :
In 2016, President Pranab Mukherjee declared Kerala as the first digital state of the country.
Q: The book ‘India 2020’is written by ______.
1183 060f7b06eef8c4b405caa4c66
60f7b06eef8c4b405caa4c66- 1Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalamtrue
- 2Pranav Mukherjeefalse
- 3Prasoon Joshifalse
- 4Ram Nath Kovindfalse
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Answer : 1. "Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam"
Explanation :
India 2020 In this book, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and his close associate YS Rajan examine India's strengths and weaknesses to offer a vision of how India can be among the world's first five economic powers in the year 2020.
Q: What does the term NSDL stand for?
851 060ab9dcdc7f1592dd0df8f50
60ab9dcdc7f1592dd0df8f50- 1National Securities Development Limitedtrue
- 2National Securities Depository Limitedfalse
- 3National Safety Development Limitedfalse
- 4Natural Safety Deployment Limitedfalse
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Answer : 1. "National Securities Development Limited "
Explanation :
The full form of NSDL is National Securities Depository Limited. NSDL is a depository of Indian securities that stores digitally securities such as investor bonds, shares and debentures.
Q: Choose the right statement / statements about ISRO -
(1) ISRO built India's first satellite, Aryabhat, which was launched by USA in 1975.
(2) Antrix Corporation is the marketing arm of ISRO.
(3) Master Control Facility of ISRO is situated in Hassan.
660 06411b5d1b34a0b67fce06b81
6411b5d1b34a0b67fce06b81- 11, 2, 3false
- 22, 3true
- 31,3false
- 41, 2false
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Answer : 2. "2, 3"
Explanation :
1. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is the space agency of India. This organization involves science, engineering and technology to reap the benefits of outer space for India and mankind.
2. ISRO is a major component of the Department of Space, Government of India. The department executes the Indian space program primarily through various centres or units under ISRO.
3. ISRO was earlier known as the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR), which was founded by Dr. Vikram A. It was established by the Government of India in 1962 on the vision of Sarabhai. ISRO was formed on August 15, 1969, and replaced INCOSPAR with an expanded role to harness space technology.
4. Antrix Corporation is the marketing arm of ISRO.
5. ISRO's Master Control Facility is located in Hassan.
Q: Human Rights Day is observed on which of the following days?
592 064117c7ddf653d9ac23db927
64117c7ddf653d9ac23db927- 110 Novemberfalse
- 210 Decembertrue
- 312 Novemberfalse
- 412 Decemberfalse
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Answer : 2. "10 December"
Q:Directions: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If a sentence is free from errors, then your answer is (4) i.e., No error.
He (1) / loved her (2) / despite of himself. (3) / No error (4)
1082 063aad1d05770eb565d5200d6
63aad1d05770eb565d5200d6- 11false
- 22false
- 33true
- 44false
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Answer : 3. "3"
Q: Who said, “Without Rousseau the French Revolution would not have taken place"?
1122 06260fe6cd791b26ac69129a1
6260fe6cd791b26ac69129a1- 1Voltairefalse
- 2Lafayettefalse
- 3Napoleon Bonapartetrue
- 4Mirabeaufalse
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Answer : 3. "Napoleon Bonaparte "
Q: Who is the author of the music book 'Satsai'?
1050 061261edb51e5ee4f5c8db315
61261edb51e5ee4f5c8db315- 1Shyamal Dasfalse
- 2Biharitrue
- 3Kriparamfalse
- 4Pt. Bhavbhattafalse
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