Statement I: The difference between the simple interest and compound interest on same money is Rs.60.
Statement II: The simple interest obtained after 4 years is Rs.300.
Statement III: The difference between compound interest and simple interest on Rs.60,000 in 2 years is Rs.1350.
A person can buy a refrigerator for Rs.15,850 on cash payment or in installments for every year at 10% p.a for four years compounded annually. What is the approximate annual installment that he should pay?
1318 05df9c47a9e7c624c9bfedf30What will be the compound interest on a sum of Rs 7500 at 4 % in 2 years?
1061 05df0b7133d76f974e561f1c6B borrows 5,000 from A at 6 % p.a. simple interest and lends it to C at compound interest of 10 % p.a. If B collects the money back from C after 2 years and repays A, the profit made by B in the transaction is
1865 05dd63d7b7780ee35515b293cRs. 260200 is divided between Ram and Shyam so that the amount that Ram receives in 4 years is the same as that Shyam receives in 6 years. If the interest is compounded annually at the rate of 4% per annum then Ram's share is –
3781 05dd63d177780ee35515b2933