Comprehension Test Questions and Answers Practice Question and Answer
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Answer : 4. "logical"
Q:Read the Following Passage carefully and give the answer.
To write well you have to be able to write clearly and logically, and you cannot do this unless you can think clearly and logically. If you cannot do this, yet you should train yourself to do it by taking particular problem and following them thought, point by point to a solution, without leaving anything out and without avoiding and difficulties that you meet.
At first you may find clear, step-by-step through very difficult. You may find that your mind is not able to concentrate. Several unconnected ideas may occur together. But Practice will improve your ability to concentrate on a single idea and think about it clearly and logically. In order to increase your vocabulary and to improve your style, you should read widely. Use a good dictionary to help you find the exact meaning and correct usage of words.
Always remember that regular and frequent practice is necessary if you want to learn to write well. It is no good waiting until you have an inspiration before you write. Even with the most famous writers, inspiration is rare. Some one said that writing is ninety-nine percent hard work and one percent inspiration, so the sooner you get into the habit of disciplining your self to write, the better.
Famous writers have achieved success by-
1198 05f3f478151e6542224fbbadd
5f3f478151e6542224fbbadd- 1discipling their skilltrue
- 2not leaving anything out and without avoiding difficultiesfalse
- 3following only one ideafalse
- 4waiting for inspirationfalse
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Answer : 1. "discipling their skill"
Q:Read the Following Passage carefully and give the answer.
To write well you have to be able to write clearly and logically, and you cannot do this unless you can think clearly and logically. If you cannot do this, yet you should train yourself to do it by taking particular problem and following them thought, point by point to a solution, without leaving anything out and without avoiding and difficulties that you meet.
At first you may find clear, step-by-step through very difficult. You may find that your mind is not able to concentrate. Several unconnected ideas may occur together. But Practice will improve your ability to concentrate on a single idea and think about it clearly and logically. In order to increase your vocabulary and to improve your style, you should read widely. Use a good dictionary to help you find the exact meaning and correct usage of words.
Always remember that regular and frequent practice is necessary if you want to learn to write well. It is no good waiting until you have an inspiration before you write. Even with the most famous writers, inspiration is rare. Some one said that writing is ninety-nine percent hard work and one percent inspiration, so the sooner you get into the habit of disciplining your self to write, the better.
According to the passage, a good writer needs__
1116 05f3f472e54900c5349e1651e
5f3f472e54900c5349e1651e- 1inspirationfalse
- 2the ability to work hard and practicetrue
- 3a single ideafalse
- 4the ability to concentratefalse
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Answer : 2. "the ability to work hard and practice"
Q:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the five given alternatives.
Almost everybody allows himself or herself or herself some entirely unjustifiable generalizations on the subject of women. Married men, when they generalize on that subject, judge by their wives; women judge by themselves. It would be amusing to write a history of the views of men on women.
In antiquity, when male supremacy was unquestioned and Christian ethics were still unknown, women were harmless, rather silly, and a man who took them seriously was somewhat despised.
Plato’s great objection to the drama was that the playwright had to imitate women in creating his female roles. With the coming of Christianity, the woman took on a new part, that of the temptress; but at the same time, she was also found capable of being a saint.
With the coming of Christianity, women took on a new part of
909 05f3a42651269c22e1268751b
5f3a42651269c22e1268751b- 1temptress alonefalse
- 2temptress and sainttrue
- 3protectorfalse
- 4saint alonefalse
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Answer : 2. "temptress and saint"
Q:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the five given alternatives.
Almost everybody allows himself or herself or herself some entirely unjustifiable generalizations on the subject of women. Married men, when they generalize on that subject, judge by their wives; women judge by themselves. It would be amusing to write a history of the views of men on women.
In antiquity, when male supremacy was unquestioned and Christian ethics were still unknown, women were harmless, rather silly, and a man who took them seriously was somewhat despised.
Plato’s great objection to the drama was that the playwright had to imitate women in creating his female roles. With the coming of Christianity, the woman took on a new part, that of the temptress; but at the same time, she was also found capable of being a saint.
In those days, a man who took women seriously was
747 05f3a421ac306f54abecdd496
5f3a421ac306f54abecdd496- 1despisedtrue
- 2admiredfalse
- 3respectedfalse
- 4ignoredfalse
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Answer : 1. "despised"
Q:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the five given alternatives.
Almost everybody allows himself or herself or herself some entirely unjustifiable generalizations on the subject of women. Married men, when they generalize on that subject, judge by their wives; women judge by themselves. It would be amusing to write a history of the views of men on women.
In antiquity, when male supremacy was unquestioned and Christian ethics were still unknown, women were harmless, rather silly, and a man who took them seriously was somewhat despised.
Plato’s great objection to the drama was that the playwright had to imitate women in creating his female roles. With the coming of Christianity, the woman took on a new part, that of the temptress; but at the same time, she was also found capable of being a saint.
In antiquity, male supremacy was
711 05f3a41cf75fb0f4f9bb4200a
5f3a41cf75fb0f4f9bb4200a- 1unquestionedtrue
- 2dubiousfalse
- 3doubtfulfalse
- 4questionablefalse
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Answer : 1. "unquestioned"
Q:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the five given alternatives.
Almost everybody allows himself or herself or herself some entirely unjustifiable generalizations on the subject of women. Married men, when they generalize on that subject, judge by their wives; women judge by themselves. It would be amusing to write a history of the views of men on women.
In antiquity, when male supremacy was unquestioned and Christian ethics were still unknown, women were harmless, rather silly, and a man who took them seriously was somewhat despised.
Plato’s great objection to the drama was that the playwright had to imitate women in creating his female roles. With the coming of Christianity, the woman took on a new part, that of the temptress; but at the same time, she was also found capable of being a saint.
Married men judge women by their
732 05f3a41848735124ec725a90a
5f3a41848735124ec725a90a- 1mothersfalse
- 2sistersfalse
- 3daughtersfalse
- 4wivestrue
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Answer : 4. "wives"
Q:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the five given alternatives.
Almost everybody allows himself or herself or herself some entirely unjustifiable generalizations on the subject of women. Married men, when they generalize on that subject, judge by their wives; women judge by themselves. It would be amusing to write a history of the views of men on women.
In antiquity, when male supremacy was unquestioned and Christian ethics were still unknown, women were harmless, rather silly, and a man who took them seriously was somewhat despised.
Plato’s great objection to the drama was that the playwright had to imitate women in creating his female roles. With the coming of Christianity, the woman took on a new part, that of the temptress; but at the same time, she was also found capable of being a saint.
Some unjustifiable generalizations are made on
711 05f3a4136c306f54abecdc23a
5f3a4136c306f54abecdc23a- 1infantsfalse
- 2womentrue
- 3teenagersfalse
- 4adolescentsfalse
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