Economics GK Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Central bank of our country is
844 06266ce1de1e2a840c334873f
6266ce1de1e2a840c334873f- 1State Bank of Indiafalse
- 2Reserve Bank of Indiatrue
- 3Central Bank of Indiafalse
- 4Bank of Barodafalse
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Answer : 2. "Reserve Bank of India "
Explanation :
1. The central bank of our country is the Reserve Bank of India.
2. It is the supreme bank of India and determines the monetary policy of the country.
3. RBI was established on April 1, 1935 under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
Q: The rate at which the central bank of any country borrows money from the commercial banks within its own territories is called:
428 06572eaa4a1070fbf9bedd64b
6572eaa4a1070fbf9bedd64b- 1Primary Lending Ratefalse
- 2Reverse Repo Ratetrue
- 3Repo Ratefalse
- 4Secondary Lending Ratefalse
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Answer : 2. "Reverse Repo Rate"
Explanation :
The reverse repo rate is the rate at which the Reserve Bank of India borrows funds from commercial banks in the country. It is the rate at which commercial banks in India park their excess money with the Reserve Bank of India, usually for the short term.
Q: Which of the following will cause property prices to fall?
1092 05efbf6a10a52267797b6afba
5efbf6a10a52267797b6afba- 1More liquidity in the economyfalse
- 2Reduction in reverse repo rate by RBIfalse
- 3Increase in reverse repo rate by RBIfalse
- 4Demand and Supplytrue
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Answer : 4. "Demand and Supply"
Explanation :
Demand and Supply: For any given area, demand in the real estate will always be inversely proportional to supply. If there is a decrease in supply, prices will obviously go up for the existing projects. With an overall increase in the number of unsold housing projects, prices will go down for each one of them.
Q: Which of the following industries has the highest labor force in India?
1294 05efbf5c3196e681f76e96f43
5efbf5c3196e681f76e96f43- 1Cement Industryfalse
- 2textile industrytrue
- 3Jute Industryfalse
- 4Iron-steel industryfalse
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Answer : 2. "textile industry"
Explanation :
In 2021, 43.96 percent of the workforce in India were employed in agriculture, while the other half was almost evenly distributed among the two other sectors, industry and services. While the share of Indians working in agriculture is declining, it is still the main sector of employment.
Q: In India, which of the following statements about the National Investment Fund is true?
I. It was created in 2005.
II. 75% of its annual income was to be used for schemes promoting health, education and employment.
III. It was dissolved in 2018.
659 064c3886c9e9013486a7a03bc
I. It was created in 2005.
II. 75% of its annual income was to be used for schemes promoting health, education and employment.
III. It was dissolved in 2018.
- 1Only statement Ifalse
- 2Only statement IIfalse
- 3Only statements I and IIIfalse
- 4Only statements I and IItrue
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Answer : 4. "Only statements I and II"
Explanation :
All the statements about the National Investment Fund in India are true.
I. It was created in 2005.
II. 75% of its annual income was to be used for schemes promoting health, education and employment.
Q: Which Indian finance minister was India’s delegate to the World Monetary Conference at Bretton Woods in 1944?
545 064c22a2a96ae1f4842fef06d
64c22a2a96ae1f4842fef06d- 1KC Neogyfalse
- 2CD Deshmukhfalse
- 3John Mathaifalse
- 4RK Shanmukham Chettytrue
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Answer : 4. "RK Shanmukham Chetty"
Explanation :
1. In the World Monetary Conference at Bretton Woods in 1944, R. Of. Shanmukham Chetty served as the Indian Finance Minister.
2. Served as Speaker of the Central Legislative Assembly of India, and also as Dewan of Cochin State from 1935 to 1941.
Q: The difference between Revenue Receipts plus Non-debt Capital Receipts (NDCR) and total expenditure is called ______.
547 064bfc92123047f4c71e1cb68
64bfc92123047f4c71e1cb68- 1Revenue Deficitfalse
- 2Fiscal Deficittrue
- 3Effective Revenue Deficitfalse
- 4Primary Deficitfalse
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Answer : 2. "Fiscal Deficit"
Explanation :
1. The difference between the sum of revenue receipts and Non-Debt Capital Receipts (NDCR) and total expenditure is called fiscal deficit.
2. Fiscal deficit is an important indicator of the financial position of the government.
3. It shows how much difference there is between the current income and expenditure of the government.
4. Fiscal deficit can be influenced by many factors, including.
- Economic situation: During an economic recession, the government often increases the fiscal deficit to provide stimulus to the economy.
- Political pressure: Governments often run up fiscal deficits to raise funds for social programs.
- Military spending: Governments often run fiscal deficits to increase military spending.
Q: Which of the following statements is/are correct about the neighbouring countries of India?
(A) India supported Maldives in 2022 with a grant of nearly $4 billion to support the dwindling economy.
(B) India has the highest GDP in dollar terms as compared to Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Bangladesh.
635 064b525902dc867f593f60f89
64b525902dc867f593f60f89(A) India supported Maldives in 2022 with a grant of nearly $4 billion to support the dwindling economy.
(B) India has the highest GDP in dollar terms as compared to Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Bangladesh.
- 1Only Btrue
- 2Neither A nor Bfalse
- 3Only Afalse
- 4Both A and Bfalse
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Answer : 1. "Only B"
Explanation :
1. Only B is correct.
2. India has the highest GDP in dollar terms as compared to Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Bangladesh.