GK Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: The Prime Minister of England at the time of the Quit India Movement was?
957 063ef4b4eb0030e718d836ed2
63ef4b4eb0030e718d836ed2- 1Chamberlainfalse
- 2McDonaldfalse
- 3Churchilltrue
- 4Clement Attleefalse
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Answer : 3. "Churchill"
Explanation :
Mounting pressure from China and the United States, as well as from the Labour Party in Britain, led Prime Minister Winston Churchill to send Stafford Cripps to India to discuss the Draft Declaration, as settled by the War Cabinet and its Committee between 28 February to 9 March 1942, containing proposals to resolve ...
Q: In our country, vast tracks of forests are cleared and a single plant species is cultivated. This practice promotes:
890 0638a0db4c878936066ea3eaa
638a0db4c878936066ea3eaa- 1bio-diversity in the area.false
- 2monoculture in the area.true
- 3growth of forests.false
- 4preservation of natural ecosystem.false
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Answer : 2. "monoculture in the area."
Explanation :
Final answer: In our country, vast tracts of forests are cleared and a single species of plant is cultivated. This practice promotes monoculture in the area.
Q: Which of the following reproduces from underground stem?
835 0624c6d57e6c50b4b29d2d300
624c6d57e6c50b4b29d2d300- 1Radishfalse
- 2Potatotrue
- 3Carrotfalse
- 4Sweet potatofalse
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Answer : 2. "Potato"
Explanation :
Potatoes are modified underground stems. They have portions called 'eyes' that can give rise to new plants.
Q: Which animal has been taken as a symbol by the World Wildlife Fund?
962 0624b163e398e4a497b59e05d
624b163e398e4a497b59e05d- 1Pandatrue
- 2rhinocerosfalse
- 3deerfalse
- 4Tigerfalse
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Answer : 1. "Panda"
Explanation :
The giant panda is the featured animal on the logo for World Wildlife Fund as a symbol of all endangered species that would be able to thrive if permitted the range and natural environment of their origin. Our logo is representative of World Wildlife Fund's commitment to protect wildlife and wild spaces.
Q: Consider the following functions for plants:
A. To give support to the plant
B. To provide humus
C. To store food
D. To absorb water and minerals
The functions of roots are
886 06246f41e398e4a497b448275
6246f41e398e4a497b448275- 1A and B onlyfalse
- 2C and D onlyfalse
- 3B , C and Dfalse
- 4A , C and Dtrue
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Answer : 4. "A , C and D "
Explanation :
Explanation: Roots are the underground structures that help in the absorption of water and minerals, provide a proper anchorage to the plant parts, store reserve food material (Carrot, Radish), and synthesize PGR (plant growth regulators). Sometimes roots get modified to perform different functions like Storage of food, respiration, climbing, etc. These types of roots are called modified roots. Examples - prop root of the Banyan tree for providing support, Pneumatophores of Rhizophora, and Mangrove plants for respiration. So, these statements are correct. A. To give support to the plant. C. To store food. D. To absorb water and minerals.
Q: Nobel Prize for Economics was instituted in 1967 but was first awarded in
1315 062b437c9fbadac125c7122b0
62b437c9fbadac125c7122b0- 11967false
- 21988false
- 31969true
- 41970false
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Answer : 3. "1969"
Explanation :
The Nobel Prize for Economics was instituted in 1967 but was first awarded in 1969. The first prize in economics was awarded in 1969 to Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen "for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes.
Q: Below are a few statements given about afforestation.
A. Afforestation could prevent flooding.
B. Afforestation can balance our ecosystem.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
631 064b52324e154aff5337375f5
64b52324e154aff5337375f5A. Afforestation could prevent flooding.
B. Afforestation can balance our ecosystem.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
- 1Both A & B are incorrectfalse
- 2Only Bfalse
- 3Both A & Btrue
- 4Only Afalse
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Answer : 3. "Both A & B"
Explanation :
The following statements below are correct about afforestation.
A. Afforestation could prevent flooding.
B. Afforestation can balance our ecosystem.
Q: Plants release water into the air by the process of ______.
616 06491982913e8bde0322ba788
6491982913e8bde0322ba788- 1photoperiodismfalse
- 2transpirationtrue
- 3photosynthesisfalse
- 4tropismfalse
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Answer : 2. "transpiration"
Explanation :
1. Plants release water into the air through a process called transpiration.
2. Transpiration is a natural process, by which plants expel water from their bodies in the form of vapor.
3. The process of transpiration takes place through small holes in the leaves, which are called stomata.
3. Transpiration is essential for plants, as it helps keep plants cool and transport nutrients from the roots to the leaves needed to make food.