Logical Reasoning Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: After arranging the given words according to dictionary order, which word will come at ‘Fifth’ position?
1. Popular
2. Population
3. Populace
4. Pope
5. Poppy
688 0647daf71e72c4684a1db54b4
647daf71e72c4684a1db54b41. Popular
2. Population
3. Populace
4. Pope
5. Poppy
- 1Populationtrue
- 2Poppyfalse
- 3Popularfalse
- 4Populacefalse
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Answer : 1. "Population"
Q: Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.
1. Wage
2. Waist
3. Waste
4. West
5. Wave
623 06465c3960e79a6cedff90ae2
6465c3960e79a6cedff90ae21. Wage
2. Waist
3. Waste
4. West
5. Wave
- 112354true
- 242135false
- 335241false
- 424351false
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Answer : 1. "12354"
Q: Two statements are given followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
Some potatoes are onions.
Some onions are tomatoes.
I. Some tomatoes are potatoes.
II. No tomato is a potato.
747 0644924af9b03af93b70d4b85
644924af9b03af93b70d4b85Some potatoes are onions.
Some onions are tomatoes.
I. Some tomatoes are potatoes.
II. No tomato is a potato.
- 1Only conclusion II followsfalse
- 2Only conclusion I followsfalse
- 3Either conclusion I or II followstrue
- 4Both conclusions I and II followfalse
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Answer : 3. "Either conclusion I or II follows "
Q:Directions: In each of the following questions, identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among classes given below:
Pulses, Redgram, Moongdal
703 0640b04041426f5b896a6976c
640b04041426f5b896a6976c- 1true
- 2false
- 3false
- 4false
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Answer : 1. "
Q:Directions: In each of the following questions, identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among classes given below:
Women, Sisters and Wives
696 0640b02e61426f5b896a691e0
640b02e61426f5b896a691e0- 1false
- 2true
- 3false
- 4false
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Answer : 2. "
Q:Directions: In each of the following questions, identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among classes given below:
Teacher, Painter, Dramatist
571 0640b021fa37bb1a5e17080f5
640b021fa37bb1a5e17080f5- 1false
- 2false
- 3false
- 4true
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Answer : 4. "
Q:Directions: In each of the following questions, identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among classes given below:
Government Servants, Lecturers, Doctors
620 0640affc4539cee0fcaaeb2b7
640affc4539cee0fcaaeb2b7- 1false
- 2false
- 3false
- 4true
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Answer : 4. "
Q: Which figure represents Rhombus, Quadrilaterals, Polygons?

1090 06391c9f358400a550dd80e0a
- 11true
- 22false
- 33false
- 44false
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