Rajasthan Art and Culture Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which of the following folk dance is related to Kalbeliya tribe?
615 062a894ba4dee44100be280d9
62a894ba4dee44100be280d9- 1Agni Dancefalse
- 2Indoni Dancetrue
- 3Gavri Dancefalse
- 4Valar Dancefalse
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Answer : 2. "Indoni Dance "
Explanation :
1. Indoni dance is one of the famous folk dances of Rajasthan. This dance is especially performed by the people of Kalbelia caste.
2. Indoni, Shankaria, Panihari, Bagadiya are dances of Kalbelia caste. Kalbelia tribe is mainly known for Kalbelia dance.
3. It is an integral part of their culture. It is performed by all the men and women of this tribe on all occasions of joy and celebration.
Q: In the protohistoric times where were abundant copper reserves found?
590 062a891f7184ea83a6372a374
62a891f7184ea83a6372a374- 1Kalibanganfalse
- 2Jodhpurafalse
- 3Ganeshwartrue
- 4Raidhfalse
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Answer : 3. "Ganeshwar"
Explanation :
Ganeshwar Civilization - Neem Ka Thana (Sikar) Excavation on the banks of Kantli River RC Aggarwal 1977 Vijaykumar 1978-79 Mother of Copper Age Civilization Evidence of abundant copper material, fish hooks (harpoons), copper pin, stone magan/dam.
Q: Which is the largest source of salt production in Rajasthan?
565 062a89147065e977f58fd8adb
62a89147065e977f58fd8adb- 1Pachbhadrafalse
- 2Sambhartrue
- 3Pokaranfalse
- 4Didwanafalse
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Answer : 2. "Sambhar "
Explanation :
1. Sambhar Lake: This is a saltwater lake located near Jaipur city in Rajasthan state of India. This lake is situated at an altitude of 1,200 feet above sea level.
2. Sambhar Salt Lake is the largest brackish lake in India and the source of most of Rajasthan's salt production.
3. It produces 196,000 tons of clean salt every year.
4. Which is about 9% of India's salt production.
Q: On the occasion of marriage in Bhil tribe, the leaves of which tree are used to decorate the Mandap?
2324 062a89062184ea83a63729409
62a89062184ea83a63729409- 1Neemfalse
- 2Ashokfalse
- 3Mangotrue
- 4Baboolfalse
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Answer : 3. "Mango "
Explanation :
1. In the Bhil tribe, the leaves of the mango tree are used to decorate the pavilion on the occasion of marriage.
2. People of the Bhil tribe believe that decorating the pavilion with the leaves of the Bael tree brings happiness, prosperity and prosperity in the life of the married couple.
3. They are used to bring happiness, prosperity and well-being in the life of a married couple.
Q: Remains of which of the following crops have been recovered from Kalibangan?
964 062a88f764dee44100be258d9
62a88f764dee44100be258d9- 1Barleytrue
- 2Soyabeanfalse
- 3Ragifalse
- 4Ricefalse
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Answer : 1. "Barley "
Explanation :
1. Remains of cotton cultivation have been found along with mixed cultivation (gram and mustard) along with barley.
2. Lines marked with a plough have also been found from Kalibanga, which proves that the humans here also did agricultural work.
3. This is also confirmed by the statues of bulls and other domesticated animals and bones of bulls and deers have also been found. Bullock cart toys have also been found.
Q: To which state is Sadashiv Bhatt's book on Culinary Science ' Rai Vinod ' related?
2050 062a88e7c065e977f58fd7266
62a88e7c065e977f58fd7266- 1Mewarfalse
- 2Marwarfalse
- 3Amerfalse
- 4Bikanertrue
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Answer : 4. "Bikaner "
Explanation :
1. Sadashiv Bhatt's book on cookery 'Rai Vinod' is related to Rajasthan. This text was written in Bikaner in the 16th century.
2. The book 'Rai Vinod' is an important part of Rajasthani culture. This text is an important source of information about Rajasthani cuisine and food culture. Q: According to “Khayat Bikaner ra Rathora ri ", which of the following was the most common dish prepared on the occasion of marriage?
1486 062a88de6184ea83a6372823d
62a88de6184ea83a6372823d- 1Ghatfalse
- 2Raabfalse
- 3Sografalse
- 4Lapsitrue
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Answer : 4. "Lapsi "
Explanation :
According to the famous Bikaner Ra Rathoran Ri, "Lapsi" was a common dish prepared on the occasion of marriage. This dish is made on the occasion of marriage in most parts of Rajasthan.
Q: Where is the famous temple of Karni Mata situated?
584 062a2329cdf19be4c4afd1c07
62a2329cdf19be4c4afd1c07- 1Nagdafalse
- 2Deshnoktrue
- 3Dhulevfalse
- 4Balotrafalse
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Answer : 2. "Deshnok "
Explanation :
1. Karni Mata is the family deity of Charan and Rathore of Bikaner.
He is also said to be the incarnation of Jogamaya, the goddess of rats and world mother.
2. Her temple is in Deshnoke Bikaner, the foundation of which was laid by Karni Mata herself. The original temple of Karni Mata was built by Raja Jai Singh.
3. The present grand form of this temple was given by Maharaja Surat Singh.
4. Mostly rats are found in this temple, hence the temple is also called the temple of rats.