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Ratio and proportion questions are easy as compared to other questions and these questions can prove to be helpful in increasing your score. So, in this article, providing Ratio and Proportion Questions and Answers for your practice.
Mathematics is a very important subject for all competitive exams. We always need more diligence to understand the ratio and proportion and age-related questions asked in mathematics. That is why young people need to read these questions carefully.
Students face difficulties in ratio and proportion problems in competitive exams. If you don't want to face any difficulty related ratio and proportion problems, you should practice ratio and proportion problems with solutions for ssc and bank exams.
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The ratio of the present ages of A and B is 16:7. After 12 years, A’s age is twice B’s age then find the present ages of A and B.
693 0 64d4baa2d02c5c746bdc5b5a- 164yr; 28yrfalse
- 280yr; 35yrfalse
- 3None of thesefalse
- 496yr; 42 yrtrue
- 5102yr; 49yrfalse
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Answer : 4 96yr; 42 yr
The monthly incomes of A and B are in the ratio 3 : 5 and the ratio of their savings is 2: 3. If the income of B is equal to three times the savings of A, then what is the ratio of the expenditures of A and B?
539 0 64bfbc0c2d3130f575540758- 15:8false
- 28:15true
- 33:7false
- 47:11false
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Answer : 2 8:15
The ratio of marks obtained by Rajesh, Rakesh and Ramesh in an exam is 2 : 4 : 9. What are the marks obtained by Rakesh and Ramesh, if Rajesh scored 30 marks in the exam?
1.1K 0 64abdc518c254a4ceae33eae- 1Rakesh = 40, Ramesh = 90false
- 2Rakesh = 60, Ramesh = 135true
- 3Rakesh = 120, Ramesh = 180false
- 4Rakesh = 90, Ramesh = 40false
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Answer : 2 Rakesh = 60, Ramesh = 135
The ratio of the monthly incomes of A and B is 11 : 13 and the ratio of their expenditures is 9 : 11. If both of them manage to save ₹4,000 per month, then find the difference in their incomes (in ₹).
627 0 646dd60883ab324a7067fa3a- 12,500false
- 24,000true
- 33,200false
- 43,000false
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Answer : 2 4,000
If 1,000 is divided into three parts in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5, find the value of the smallest part.
1.1K 0 6426dbec9d18d2e8ae1df314- 1100false
- 2300false
- 3200true
- 4400false
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