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Sentence Rearrangement is one of the essential and highest-scoring topics which you can easily face in the competitive exam. Sentence Rearrangement is a group of words that express a concept and it is used as a unit of rearrangement. For candidates who are searching for Sentence Rearrangement questions, we are including here Sentence Rearrangement Quest...
In Sentence Improvement questions, a sentence is given with a word or phrase in italics, underlined or in bold letters, in which the candidate has to choose the correct option after finding the error. However, these questions can be attempted only if a student has knowledge about vocabulary, article, verb, tenses, correct usage of sentences and phrases...
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- 1Terabytefalse
- 2Gigabytefalse
- 3Kilobytetrue
- 4Megabytefalse
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Answer : 3 Kilobyte
Explanation :
1. The smallest memory is the parity bit. A bit is a binary digit, which can be either 0 or 1. A bit is the smallest unit of data that a computer can store.
2. A byte is a large unit of memory made up of 8 bits. A byte can be used to store a letter, a number or a symbol.
3. Kilobyte is another large unit of memory which is made up of 1024 bytes. One kilobyte can be used to store a small file.
4. A megabyte is another large unit of memory which is made up of 1024 kilobytes. One megabyte can be used to store a large file.
5. Gigabyte is another large unit of memory which is made up of 1024 megabytes. One gigabyte is equal to the amount of memory used in a medium-sized computer.
5. Terabyte is another large unit of memory which is made up of 1024 gigabytes. One terabyte is equivalent to the amount of memory used in a large computer.
In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
The launch of the small electric car will depend to the willingness of buyers to pay more for it.
- 1depend to the willingnesstrue
- 2of buyers to pay more for itfalse
- 3The launch of thefalse
- 4small electric car willfalse
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Answer : 1 depend to the willingness
In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
The promoters of Med Hospitals has agreed to sell their business to Pal Hospitals.
- 1The promoters offalse
- 2to sell their businessfalse
- 3Med Hospitals has agreedtrue
- 4to Pal Hospitalsfalse
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Answer : 3 Med Hospitals has agreed
He drew the curtains to make the room lighter and then lighted his cigarette with a lighter.
1.5K 0 5e5fb1a343c9b07d344867f9- 1The first ‘lighter’ is an adjective and the second is a noun.true
- 2The first ‘lighter’ 'is a noun and second is an adjective.false
- 3Both are adverb .false
- 4Both are adjectivesfalse
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Answer : 1 The first ‘lighter’ is an adjective and the second is a noun.
- 1Both are verbs.false
- 2"Coat" is a verbs and ‘coated’ is a noun.false
- 3"Coat’ is an adverb and 'coated' is a verb.false
- 4‘Coat’ is a noun and 'coated’ is a verb.true
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