Statistics And Data Analysis Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: A file that uses preset settings for a normal presentation station (presentation/document) is done in the making is called ______?
576 064ba5d8ac3da05b2213e7466
64ba5d8ac3da05b2213e7466- 1Patternfalse
- 2Modelfalse
- 3Templatetrue
- 4Blueprintfalse
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Answer : 3. "Template"
Explanation :
1. A file that contains a template for a simple presentation using predefined settings.
- Presentation: Using the template, you can create a professional presentation that will grab attention and impress your audience.
- Document: Using templates, you can create a professional document that is well-written and well-organized.
- Email: Using the template, you can create a professional email that will attract attention and get your response.
- Web page: Using the template, you can create a professional web page that is beautiful and easy to use.
Q: Flash memory is?
513 064ba5c09a2d4dcaf043c0549
64ba5c09a2d4dcaf043c0549- 1softwarefalse
- 2Operating Systemfalse
- 3RAMfalse
- 4Portable storage devicetrue
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Answer : 4. "Portable storage device"
Explanation :
. Flash memory is a portable storage device that can store data for a short period of time.
2. Unlike traditional hard drives, flash memory is capable of retaining data even after the power is turned off.
3. A flash drive is a small, portable flash memory card that plugs into a computer's USB port and acts as a portable hard drive.
4. A flash drive is a portable data storage device. Flash drives contain multiple flash chips, which are large memory modules.
Q: Which of these computers is the most powerful in data storage capacity, performance and data processing?
459 064b91f5ba2d4dcaf04389a51
64b91f5ba2d4dcaf04389a51- 1Micro computerfalse
- 2super computertrue
- 3Palmtop computerfalse
- 4Mainframe computerfalse
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Answer : 2. "super computer"
Explanation :
1. Supercomputer is a powerful computer in terms of data storage capacity, performance and data processing.
2. A supercomputer is a powerful computer that can process large amounts of data and computations very quickly.
3. Supercomputers perform copious amounts of mathematical calculations.
4. Supercomputers are used for a wide variety of applications, including meteorology, medical research, and nuclear weapons research.
Q: What is the mode of the given data?
5, 7, 9, 7, 3, 7, 5, 7, 8, 6, 7
459 064b501fe568e7ff594af64e0
64b501fe568e7ff594af64e0- 17true
- 26false
- 35false
- 43false
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Answer : 1. "7"
Q: The median of a set of 11 distinct observations is 73.2. If each of the largest five observations of the set is increased by 3, then the median of the new set:
671 064b4f4f236fc1bf576504f73
64b4f4f236fc1bf576504f73- 1is 3 times that of the original setfalse
- 2is increased by 3false
- 3remains the same as that of the original settrue
- 4is decreased by 3false
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Answer : 3. "remains the same as that of the original set"
Q: Find the standard deviation of the following data (rounded off to two decimal places). 5, 3, 4, 7
689 064abda0ec4e3d04ca177a8e1
64abda0ec4e3d04ca177a8e1- 11.48true
- 23.21false
- 34.12false
- 42.45false
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Answer : 1. "1.48 "
Q: The median of the following data will be _________.
32, 25,33,27, 35, 29 and 30
733 064abe06a299b7896000b58d8
64abe06a299b7896000b58d8- 132false
- 227false
- 330true
- 429false
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Answer : 3. "30"
Q: Find the standard deviation of the following data (rounded off to two decimal places).
5, 3, 4, 7
736 064abdab665d2524cbf2181d5
64abdab665d2524cbf2181d5- 11.48true
- 23.21false
- 34.12false
- 42.45false
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