Synonyms questions with answers Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Select the most appropriate synonym of the underlined word in the given sentence.
The sporadic instructions of the invigilators distracted the examinee.
761 0647ef6ab23e51f4777012489
647ef6ab23e51f4777012489The sporadic instructions of the invigilators distracted the examinee.
- 1Continuousfalse
- 2Indirectfalse
- 3Repetitivefalse
- 4Occasionaltrue
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Answer : 4. "Occasional"
Explanation :
The most appropriate synonym for "sporadic" in the given sentence is "occasional." "Sporadic" means occurring at irregular intervals or scattered instances, and "occasional" reflects a similar idea of happening from time to time without regularity. The other options, such as "continuous," "indirect," and "repetitive," have different meanings and do not capture the irregular and infrequent nature conveyed by "sporadic."
Q: Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
540 064b64e93568e7ff594b4122d
64b64e93568e7ff594b4122d- 1assesstrue
- 2solvefalse
- 3discoverfalse
- 4believefalse
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Answer : 1. "assess"
Explanation :
"Assess" is the most appropriate synonym for "estimate" because both words involve making a judgment or approximation of the value, size, or extent of something. "Solve," "discover," and "believe" have different meanings and do not convey the idea of making an estimation or assessment.
Q:Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word as your answer.
1084 05dd4ff5ac2282c484e492f5d
5dd4ff5ac2282c484e492f5d- 1Clappedfalse
- 2Proclaimedtrue
- 3Protestedfalse
- 4Rewardedfalse
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Answer : 2. "Proclaimed"
Explanation :
The term "heralded" means to announce or proclaim something, often with enthusiasm or as a sign of the beginning of an event or a significant development. Among the given options, "proclaimed" best expresses the meaning of "heralded."
Q:Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word as your answer.
1031 05dd4ffb37780ee355158c249
5dd4ffb37780ee355158c249- 1Usualfalse
- 2Uiversalfalse
- 3Constanttrue
- 4Similarfalse
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Answer : 3. "Constant"
Explanation :
The term "invariable" refers to something that does not vary or change. Among the provided options, "constant" best expresses the meaning of "invariable," indicating a state of consistency and lack of variation.
Q:Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word as your answer.
1060 05dd50077db51363c0236fe08
5dd50077db51363c0236fe08- 1Sweettrue
- 2Dullfalse
- 3Hardfalse
- 4Sourfalse
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Answer : 1. "Sweet"
Explanation :
The term "dulcet" is used to describe something that is sweet, soothing, or melodious, especially when referring to sounds or tones. Among the provided options, "sweet" best expresses the meaning of "dulcet," indicating a pleasant and harmonious quality.
Q:Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word as your answer.
1393 05da838848f123a0cca936293
5da838848f123a0cca936293- 1Magnificencetrue
- 2Admirationfalse
- 3Happinessfalse
- 4Awefalse
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Answer : 1. "Magnificence"
Explanation :
The word "grandeur" refers to the quality or state of being grand, impressive, or magnificent, often in terms of beauty or scale. Among the given options, "magnificence" best expresses the meaning of "grandeur" as it signifies a quality of greatness, splendor, or impressive appearance.
Q: Select the antonym of the given word.
2847 05d7f30027f06bc6981e086c9
- 1plentifultrue
- 2fewfalse
- 3seldomfalse
- 4scantyfalse
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Answer : 1. "plentiful"
Explanation :
The antonym (opposite) of the word "SCARCE" is:
(A) plentiful
"Scarce" means in short supply or insufficient, while "plentiful" means abundant or ample, making it the opposite in meaning.
Q: Select the synonym of the given word.
2638 05d7f2e0750132761b5efa74b
- 1cajolefalse
- 2pressurizetrue
- 3enchantfalse
- 4leavefalse
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Answer : 2. "pressurize"
Explanation :
The synonym for the word "COERCE" is:
(B) pressurize
"Coerce" means to persuade someone to do something by using force or threats, and "pressurize" shares a similar meaning in the context of applying pressure or influence to achieve a particular result.