(I) Why should I take the herb when there is no substantive proof it will ease my pain
(II) Not only do we hear of these varieties of practice, but also of the laying on of hands; together with prayer as a substantive rite unconnected with baptism.
(III) They said no substantive objections to the agreement have been raised
Directions: In each of the following questions a sentence is given with a word given in BOLD. Corresponding to each question three sentences are given with the use of the same word. From the options choose the sentences which give a DIFFERENT MEANING for the word used in the sentence above. The meaning used in the sentence(s) should be different from the one used in the main sentence.
When India’s aspiration for permanent membership of the UN Security Council met with strong resistance, New Delhi hit upon the idea of forcing a vote in the General Assembly.
(I) The president’s healthcare plan drew a lot of resistance from his political rivals.
(II) The employees’ showed their resistance to the salary cuts by picketing outside the factory.
(III) He also investigated electrical endosmosis and the electrical resistance of electrolytes.
Directions: In each of the following questions a sentence is given with a word given in BOLD. Corresponding to each question three sentences are given with the use of the same word. From the options choose the sentences which give a DIFFERENT MEANING for the word used in the sentence above. The meaning used in the sentence(s) should be different from the one used in the main sentence.
Competitive federalism, in the context of interaction with foreign countries, promoted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has proved to be a double-edged sword.
(I) In 1761 he was promoted to be member of council, under the presidency of Mr Vansittart, who had been introduced by Clive.
(II) The industry was actively promoted by a Frenchman named Jumel, in the service of Mehemet Ali, from 1820 onwards with great success.
(III) He actively promoted the incorporation of the left bank of the Rhine with France.
Directions: In each of the following questions a sentence is given with a word given in BOLD. Corresponding to each question three sentences are given with the use of the same word. From the options choose the sentences which give a DIFFERENT MEANING for the word used in the sentence above. The meaning used in the sentence(s) should be different from the one used in the main sentence.
This is the latest instalment in the rather sordid story of institutional decay in India, overseen by the leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
(I) He remained, however, uncertain how to do so without immersing himself further in Lydia Larkin's sordid activities.
(II) The overcrowded housing conditions were sordid and degrading.
(III) Everyone knows of the bank’s manager sordid plan to steal the money.
Directions: In each of the following questions a sentence is given with a word given in BOLD. Corresponding to each question three sentences are given with the use of the same word. From the options choose the sentences which give a DIFFERENT MEANING for the word used in the sentence above. The meaning used in the sentence(s) should be different from the one used in the main sentence.
The leaders of our ruling dispensation seem to have no respect for the rule of law, nor for the rules that regulate speech in public spaces.
(I) Because the soldier had saved his entire unit, the president gave him dispensation for his wartime crimes.
(II) Scholarship is conveyed to a wider audience than under the old dispensation.
(III) At the close of the Jubilee this dispensation was extended to all who had expired on the way to Rome.
Four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer sheet.
1324 05fbca71ec8a3f7269c9d902dFour words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer sheet.
1085 05fbca4e0472b24430a12494aSelect the correctly spelt word in the following options.
2871 05fad4201fad0560d3b80c0ef