Translation Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Choose the most appropriate translation of the given sentence into English:
अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता हमारा मूल अधिकार है।
637 06392db2d9dda13791d72dd87
6392db2d9dda13791d72dd87अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता हमारा मूल अधिकार है।
- 1Freedom of speech is our original right.false
- 2Independence of expression is our fundamental right.false
- 3Freedom of expression is our fundamental right.true
- 4Our fundamental right is freedom of speech.false
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Answer : 3. "Freedom of expression is our fundamental right. "
Q: Choose the correct Hindi translation of the following sentence from the given options:
She saw me in the library.
719 06392daa958400a550ddff924
6392daa958400a550ddff924She saw me in the library.
- 1वह मुझे पुस्तकालय में दिखी।false
- 2मैं उसे पुस्तकालय में दिखी।false
- 3उसने मुझे पुस्तकालय में देखा था।true
- 4मेरे को पुस्तकालय में उसने देखा।false
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Answer : 3. "उसने मुझे पुस्तकालय में देखा था।"
Q: Select the most apt translation of this. sentence:
उसको यह कहने का अधिकार नहीं है।
585 06392da5158400a550ddff6d3
6392da5158400a550ddff6d3उसको यह कहने का अधिकार नहीं है।
- 1He should not say this.false
- 2He has no right to say this.true
- 3He did not have any right to say this.false
- 4He had no right to say this.false
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Answer : 2. "He has no right to say this. "
Q: Mark the correct English translation from the choices given below, of the sentence in Hindi:
जब मैं वहाँ गया वह सो रही थी।
715 06392d9c0d319b37ca199276a
6392d9c0d319b37ca199276aजब मैं वहाँ गया वह सो रही थी।
- 1When I went there, she kept on sleeping.false
- 2She slept while I went to her.false
- 3When I went there, she was sleeping.true
- 4She slept all the while, when I went there.false
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Answer : 3. "When I went there, she was sleeping. "
Q: Choose the correct Hindi translation of the following word from the options given below:
713 06392d5b534f83f1472ade4c0
- 1अधिसूचनाtrue
- 2कार्यसूचीfalse
- 3कार्यविधिfalse
- 4सूचनाfalse
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Answer : 1. "अधिसूचना"
Q:Translate the following sentences into English choosing the correct alternative from the options given below:
बढ़ते तापमान से पर्यावरण को वास्तविक खतरा है।
1576 05e68c66d59f047445ada93f9
5e68c66d59f047445ada93f9- 1Rising temperature causing environmental problems.false
- 2Rise in temperature creates real problems for the environment.false
- 3Rising temperature really threatened the environment.false
- 4Rising temperature is a real threat to the environment.true
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Answer : 4. "Rising temperature is a real threat to the environment."
Q:Translate the following sentences into English choosing the correct alternative from the options given below:
मेरा बड़ा भाई इंजीनियर बनना चाहता है।
1703 05e68c5e8188352234beea182
5e68c5e8188352234beea182- 1My brother wants to be a big engineer.false
- 2My big brother wants to become an engineer.false
- 3My elder brother wants to become an engineer.true
- 4My elder brother is wanting to become an engineer.false
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Answer : 3. "My elder brother wants to become an engineer. "
Q:Translate the following sentences into English choosing the correct alternative from the options given below:
सामाजिक कुरीतियों को हटाने के लिए सख्त कानूनों की जरूरत है।
1090 05e68c57d59f047445ada92e6
5e68c57d59f047445ada92e6- 1Strict laws are required to eradicate social evils.true
- 2Strict laws always aim at eradicating social evils.false
- 3Liberal laws are required to eradicate social evils.false
- 4Complex laws always aim at eradicating social evils .false
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