1 × 3 × 5= 531
2 × 7 ×9 =972
4 × 6 × 8=?
The equation will be corrected by converting which two symbols?
19 + 63 ÷ 7 – 8 × 12= 79
6 years ago, Raju's age was 2 years less than half of his brother's age, which was 20 years. What is his present age?
3681 05faa719bece37f513633e478If '+' becomes '-' and '×' becomes '÷', find the value of ((175 + 160) × 50) × 10.
1749 15f896511cdb3d17f7acaf931Select the group that has the same relation between the given numbers as the relation between the following group numbers.
(4, 9, 37)
If the ink of one pan ends up writing 10 page, how many panes will be required to write 20 copies of 40 page?
7998 05f604f9d80a26b7dab0034b1Which two numbers have to be interchanged to correct the given equation?
55 + 32 – 4 × ( 1 × 12 ) + ( 16 ÷ 4 ) =31
The average age of three friends A, B, C is 20 years. The average age of A and B is 19 years, then what is the age of C?
3165 05f520735e4b1aa1401c5ff8d