If the digits of the number 5 4 3 2 1 6 9 8 7 are arranged in an ascending order then how many digits remain in the same position?
1591 05df8789348426c4941aa319dFind the next term in the following series:
X24C, V22E, T20G,_____
Ashok walked five metres towards East and took a right turn and walked 10 metres and again he took a right turn and walked 15 metres. Which direction is he facing now?
5865 05de74957df5786312d4c6100If “*” denotes “added to”, “&” denotes “divided by”, “@” denotes “multiplied by” and “%” denotes “subtracted from”, then
399 & 19 @ 21 % 41 * 100 =?
Some equations are solved on the basis of a certain system. On the same basis, find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation.
6–9–2 = 926, 3–2–1 = 213, 0–4–8 = ?
F has less money than H but more than G. E has more than F but less than H. Who is the poorest?
9076 05de4dc3a57778c2410054b7bH>E>F>G
If “@” denotes “added to”, “#” denotes “multiplied by”, “®” denotes “divided by” and “%” denotes “subtracted from”, then which of the following equation is true?
3749 05de494b080801d48fb7e70a9