World Geography Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which of the following parallels of latitude represent the Tropic of Capricorn?
793 064a2aa40c7d7c7e067493502
64a2aa40c7d7c7e067493502- 123½° in the Northern Hemispherefalse
- 266½° in the Southern Hemispherefalse
- 323½° in the Southern Hemispheretrue
- 466½° in the Northern Hemispherefalse
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Answer : 3. "23½° in the Southern Hemisphere"
Explanation :
1. The 23.5 degree parallel of latitude in the Southern Hemisphere represents the Tropic of Capricorn.
2. The Tropic of Capricorn (or southern tropic) is the circle of latitude in which the perihelion point occurs at the December (or southern) solstice.
3. Thus it is the southernmost latitude where the Sun can be seen directly overhead.
4. It reaches 90 degrees below the horizon at solar midnight on the June solstice.
5. The Tropic of Capricorn is one of the five major latitude lines of the Earth. The other four are latitude lines.
- Equator (0 degrees latitude)
- Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees north latitude)
- North Pole Circle (66.5 degrees north latitude)
- South Pole Circle (66.5 degrees south latitude)
Q: 'Palk strait' is located between -
834 06408be6336c856ead79a1d72
6408be6336c856ead79a1d72- 1India and Maldivesfalse
- 2India and Indonesiafalse
- 3India and Myanmarfalse
- 4India and Sri Lankatrue
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Answer : 4. "India and Sri Lanka"
Q: The habitat of ‘Yakut’ tribe is
851 06298a8fbe812232d065e7390
6298a8fbe812232d065e7390- 1New Zealandfalse
- 2Congo Basinfalse
- 3Amazon Basinfalse
- 4North Siberiatrue
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Answer : 4. "North Siberia"
Explanation :
1. Habitat of the Yakut tribe in Northern Siberia.
2. The Yakuts, or Sakha, are a Turkic ethnic group that lives primarily in the Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation. Their habitat also extends to the Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin regions and the Taimyr and Evenk districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
3. Yakut language belongs to the Siberian branch of Turkic languages. The Russian word Yakut is derived from Evenk Yoko.
4. In some old histories the Yakuts call themselves Sakha or Urangai Sakha.
5. The Yakuts engage in animal husbandry, traditionally focusing on the raising of horses.
Q: habitat of ‘Yakut’ tribe is
1013 062681e57f380c4441d09c322
62681e57f380c4441d09c322- 1New Zealandfalse
- 2Congo Basinfalse
- 3Amazon Basinfalse
- 4North Siberiatrue
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Answer : 4. "North Siberia"
Explanation :
1. Habitat of the Yakut tribe in Northern Siberia.
2. The Yakuts, or Sakha, are a Turkic ethnic group that lives primarily in the Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation. Their habitat also extends to the Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin regions and the Taimyr and Evenk districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
3. Yakut language belongs to the Siberian branch of Turkic languages. The Russian word Yakut is derived from Evenk Yoko.
4. In some old histories the Yakuts call themselves Sakha or Urangai Sakha.
5. The Yakuts engage in animal husbandry, traditionally focusing on the raising of horses.
Q: The landforms that are created by massive earth movements due to plate tectonics are called
859 064e60ecb13f72deddce4e828
64e60ecb13f72deddce4e828- 1structural landformstrue
- 2weathering landformsfalse
- 3erosional landformsfalse
- 4depositional landformsfalse
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Answer : 1. "structural landforms"
Q: Which of the following is a warm current?
847 0642c1bebed76c064b86656eb
642c1bebed76c064b86656eb- 1Labrador currentfalse
- 2Falkland currentfalse
- 3Canary currentfalse
- 4Gulf streamtrue
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Answer : 4. " Gulf stream"
Q: Sri Lanka is separated from India by the ______.
1206 0642c0e69dcb650c145793b2e
642c0e69dcb650c145793b2e- 1Strait of Malaccafalse
- 2Strait of Gibraltarfalse
- 3Palk Straittrue
- 4Bering Straitfalse
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Answer : 3. "Palk Strait "
Q: In which of the following countries is Jhumming known as ‘Conuco’?
946 06419801c2b960e1a416b0302
6419801c2b960e1a416b0302- 1Vietnamfalse
- 2The USfalse
- 3Venezuelatrue
- 4Madagascarfalse
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