World GK Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: When is the World Ozone Day celebrated?
961 0638a08319ebad6607b819e98
638a08319ebad6607b819e98- 116 Julyfalse
- 228 Julyfalse
- 316 Septembertrue
- 422 Septemberfalse
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Answer : 3. "16 September "
Explanation :
Every year on 16 September, World Ozone Day is celebrated all over the world. World Ozone Day is celebrated with the aim of making people aware about the conservation of the ozone layer around the earth.
Q: Where is International Monetary Fund headquarter located?
864 06329edce5c208a6bf7df01c6
6329edce5c208a6bf7df01c6- 1New Yorkfalse
- 2Genevafalse
- 3Parisfalse
- 4Washington D.C.true
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Answer : 4. "Washington D.C. "
Explanation :
The headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is located in Washington D.C., United States. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations. The IMF was established at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. Its objectives are to promote global monetary cooperation, safeguard financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
Q: Which of the following forests are often called the "Lungs of the Planet"?
724 062e7cd33ceafbe581b6abd07
62e7cd33ceafbe581b6abd07- 1Tundra forestfalse
- 2Taiga forestfalse
- 3Monsoon forestfalse
- 4Amazon rain foreststrue
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Answer : 4. "Amazon rain forests"
Explanation :
1. Amazon rain forests have also been called the lungs of planet Earth.
2. These rain forests of South America are the largest and have the highest diversity of tropical rain forests on our planet.
3. They provide 20% of the total oxygen of our planet.
Q: Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the US, signed the largest tax cut in the history of the country in 1981. Which economic theory was this policy centred around?
723 164bfca6f24c8d11f42a6e8f8
64bfca6f24c8d11f42a6e8f8- 1Laffer Curvetrue
- 2Lorenz Curvefalse
- 3Kuznets Curvefalse
- 4Sweezy's Kinked Demand Curvefalse
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Answer : 1. "Laffer Curve"
Explanation :
1. Ronald Reagan, the 40th US President, signed the largest tax cut in his country's history in 1981.
2. This policy focused on the economic theory of Laffer Curve.
3. Laffer curve explains the relationship between tax rate and tax revenue.
Q: Identify the waterways which separate the Andaman and the Nicobar Islands.
684 064bfc281c3da05b2214f66e6
64bfc281c3da05b2214f66e6- 1Palk Straitfalse
- 2Maliku Kandufalse
- 3Duncan Passagefalse
- 4Ten Degree Channeltrue
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Answer : 4. "Ten Degree Channel"
Explanation :
1. The Ten Degree Channel separates the Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands from each other.
2. It is located on the 10-degree line of latitude, north of the equator.
3. Channel is a wide open waterway that passes through two landmasses that are located close to each other.
Other waterways separating the Andaman and Nicobar Islands include.
A. Duncan Waterway: It separates South Andaman and Little Andaman.
B. Grand Channel: It separates Great Nicobar and Sumatra island of Indonesia.
C. Coco Strait: It separates North Andaman and Coco Islands of Myanmar.
Q: When did the Constitution of WHO come into force - a date which we now celebrate as World Health Day every year?
727 0649a978646047484bc6f836b
649a978646047484bc6f836b- 15 April 1948false
- 27 April 1948true
- 36 April 1948false
- 48 April 1948false
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Answer : 2. "7 April 1948 "
Explanation :
1. The Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) came into force on April 7, 1948.
2. Significance: This day is now celebrated every year as World Health Day.
3. Objective: To make people aware of the importance of health and encourage them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
4. Function: The World Health Organization is an international organization that promotes health and improves the health of people around the world.
Q: With which of the following countries is the ‘Navanna’ festival associated?
887 0644bc927f35a0dce59e7cbe1
644bc927f35a0dce59e7cbe1- 1Sri Lankafalse
- 2Bhutanfalse
- 3Nepalfalse
- 4Bangladeshtrue
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Answer : 4. "Bangladesh"
Q: Which country left the United Nations first?
803 0638a0bd6a528960cccf7c5df
638a0bd6a528960cccf7c5df- 1Indonesiatrue
- 2Ukrainefalse
- 3Russiafalse
- 4North Koreafalse
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