Teaching Psychology Questions and Answers for CTET Exam
Which of the following is not a fundamental principle of programmed learning :
(A) Immediate reinforcement
(B) Self pacing
(C) Self or student testing
(D) Passive responding
Correct Answer : D
The capacity of an individual to think rationally and solve problem is a part of
(A) Fine motor activity
(B) language development
(C) cognitive development
(D) good management skill
Correct Answer : C
Sensorimotor development occurs maximum during which age?
(A) Birth to one year
(B) Birth to two years
(C) One to two years
(D) Two to five years
Correct Answer : B
The various approaches to educate learning disabled children are:
a. Preventive programme
b. Multi - sensory approach
c. Cognitive training
d. Experiential learning
(A) a, b, c, d
(B) b, c, d
(C) a, b, d
(D) a, b, c
Correct Answer : B
Who classified personality into endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic?
(A) Sheldon
(B) Crashmer
(C) Spranger
(D) Thorndike
Correct Answer : A
While making will ' following cannot be considered as witness:
(A) Any known adult, younger than testator
(B) Spouse of the testator
(C) Beneficiary under the will
(D) ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) both
Correct Answer : D
Some behaviour abnormalities that seem to indicate problematic children:
a. Stealing
b. Lying
c. Temper tenturms
d. Nail biting
(A) a, b, c, d
(B) a, b, c
(C) a, b
(D) a, d
Correct Answer : A
Some new born reflexes are
a. Moro
b. Cooing
c. Rooting
d. Babinski
e. Creeping
(A) a, c, d
(B) a, b, c
(C) b, c, d
(D) c, d, e
Correct Answer : A
According to proximodistal trend of development, which organ becomes functional first?
(A) Head
(B) Heart
(C) Hands
(D) Legs
Correct Answer : B
At one year of age, the infant shows following changes in his body measurement:
(A) Body weight triples and height increases by 50%
(B) Body weight doubles and height increases by 25%
(C) Body weight triples and height increases by 100%
(D) Body weight doubles and height increases by three times
Correct Answer : A