Time and Distance Questions with Answers for Bank PO and SSC Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 43.9K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Problems on time and distance

Problems on Time and Distance

Two trains A and B separated by a distance of 1200 m approach each other at 30m/min. A bird flying at 60m/min flies from train A to train B, returned to A flies back to B and so on till the trains meet.

Q.31 What is the total distance traveled by the bird?

(A) 600 m

(B) 1200 m

(C) 1800 m

(D) 2400 m

Ans .  B

To know more about Ratio and Proportion: ratio-and-proportion-objective-type-question-for-competitive-exam-part-c

Q.32 How many trips between the trains does the bird make in all?

(A) 20

(B) 40

(C) 10

(D) none of these

Ans .  D

Q.33 A train m leaves Madras at 5 am and reaches Bangalore at 9 am. Another train n leaves Bangalore at 7 am and reaches Madras at 10.30 am. At what time do the 2 trains cross each other?

(A) 8.26 am

(B) 8 am

(C) 7.36 am

(D) 7.56

Ans .  D

Q.34 A train traveling 50 km from A meets with an accident, and proceeds at 4/5th of the former speed and reaches B, 45 min late. Had the accident happened 20 km further on it would have arrived 12 min sooner. Find the original speed and the distance.

(A) 25, 100

(B) 20, 125

(C) 25, 125

(D) none of these

Ans .  C

Q.35 A train leaving L at 3.10 pm reaches W at 5 pm. One leaving W at 3.30 pm arrives in L at 5.42 pm. When do they pass each other?

(A) 4.20 pm

(B) 4.30 pm

(C) 4.40 pm

(D) 4.10 pm

Ans .  A

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