Top 500 GK Questions 2023-24
General Knowledge
Q.211 Which of the amendments of the following constitution was responsible for deleting the right to property from the list of fundamentals rights?
(A) 43rd amendment
(B) 44th amendment
(C) 48th amendment
(D) 52nd amendment
Ans . B
Q.212 Harshcharita and KadamBari are the works of…..
(A) Kalhan
(B) Panini
(C) Bana Bhatta
(D) Patanjali
Ans . C
Q.213 When did the war of Americans Independence take place?
(A) 1770
(B) 1772
(C) 1774
(D) 1776
Ans . D
Q.214 Panini was……
(A) a Greek philosopher
(B) an Indian astronomer and famous mathematician
(C) a Sanskrit grammarian of Vedic times
(D) great poet of ancient times.
Ans . C
Q.215 Mein Kampf is authored by…
(A) Napoleon Bonaparte
(B) Karl Marx
(C) Adolf Hitler
(D) Benito Mussolini
Ans . C
Q.216 Which of the following is the largest and the deepest ocean of the world?
(A) Arctic
(B) Atlantic
(C) Pacific
(D) Indian
Ans . C
Q.217 The literacy rate of India is….
(A) 57.86%
(B) 61.34%
(C) 63.98%
(D) 65.38%
Ans . D
Q.218 Which Indian state has the least literacy rate?
(A) Bihar
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Arunachal Pradesh
(D) Orissa
Ans . A
Q.219 SAARC was formed in ……
(A) 1982
(B) 1984
(C) 1985
(D) 1986
Ans . C
Q.220 Which of the following is not the member of the European Union?
(A) Greece
(B) Finland
(C) Norway
(D) United Kingdom
Ans . C
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