Total weekly emoluments of the workers of a factory is 1534. Average weekly emolument of a worker is 118. The number of workers in the factory is:
540 06239888ba5834d3c54653532A man bought 13 articles at 70 each, 15 at 60 each and 12 at 65 each. The average price per article is
622 062398ab59980d16e365a5a45The average of the largest and smallest 3 digit numbers formed by 0, 2 and 4 would be
542 06290a86efd5b412fd54ad38eThe average of 30 numbers is 40 and that of the other 40 numbers is 30. The average of all the numbers is-
451 06540b7da27398ecb26d33cc9There are two groups A and B of a class, consisting of 42 and 28 students respectively. If the average weight of group A is 25 kg and that of group B is 40 kg, find the average weight of the whole class.
441 06401b25a86fd4161466cd736The average of 30 numbers is 15. The average of the first 18 numbers is 10 and that of the next 11 numbers is 20. The last number is
774 062ff8151047feb0792713d97Out of 20 boys, 6 are each of 1 m 15 cm height, 8 are of 1 m 10 cm and rest of 1 m 12 cm. The average height of all of them is
479 0653f829edfda58cb3c93bbb2