What is Oracle?
1134 062ff6254a6d1894ab1562ee2Oracle is a multinational computer technology corporation that specializes in developing and marketing database software and technology, cloud-engineered systems, and enterprise software products. One of its primary offerings is the Oracle Database, which is a widely used relational database management system (RDBMS). Oracle Database is designed to handle large volumes of data and complex transactions, making it popular among enterprises for various applications, including online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing, and business intelligence.
Data that is copied from an application is stored in the ......
671 163ac183f5770eb565d5d9b0fData that is copied from an application is stored in the clipboard. The clipboard is a temporary storage area in a computer's memory that holds the data that has been cut or copied, allowing users to paste the data into another location or application. This functionality is commonly used for tasks such as copying text, images, or files from one place and pasting them into another.
The Internet is an example of a search engine.
897 064ba8482e2108a723939a0a0The search engine performs the following tasks-
1. Web crawling: Search engines search all web pages on the web using a crawler. A crawler is a program that finds new web pages by following links on the web.
2. Indexing: Once the crawler finds all the web pages, the search engine indexes them in a database. The index contains information for each web page, such as title, URL, and content.
3. Searching: When a user types a search query, the search engine searches all the web pages in the index that may be related to the query.
Which of the following is not a type of Cyber Threat?
500 064ba3f3c88d5e4f52de3063eThere are many types of cyber threats, including:
1. Spam Email: Spam email is a type of cyber threat which is done by sending unsolicited emails. Spam emails are often used to spread advertisements, scams, or viruses.
2. Hacking: Hacking is a type of cyber threat that involves gaining unauthorized access to a computer system or network. Hackers often use hacking to steal data, damage systems, or intercept transactions.
3. Phishing: Phishing is a type of cyber threat in which victims are tricked into providing their personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. Phishing attacks are often carried out via email, social media, or websites.
4. Viruses: Viruses are a type of malware that can infect a computer system and damage data, slow down the system, or even disable it. Viruses often spread through spam emails, infected files, or physical media.
5. Worm: A worm is a type of malware that can copy itself from a computer system and spread from one system to another. Worms often spread via email, infected files, or physical media.
6. Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks: DoS attacks are a type of cyber threat that is used to disable a website or service. DoS attacks are often carried out using large amounts of traffic or resources.
7. Load Ballast Attacks: Load ballast attacks are a type of DoS attack in which a large amount of data is sent to a website or service. Load ballast attacks are often carried out to disable a website or service.
8. Human-based attacks: Human-based attacks are a type of cyberattack that target people. Human-based attacks can include phishing, social engineering, and cyberpsychology.
9. Physical Attacks: Physical attacks are a type of cyberattack that targets the physical components of a computer system or network. Physical attacks could include data centre fires or power outages.
Is Google Play Store used on mobile?
592 064b9259ce154aff533811ef71. It is an international online software store developed by Google for Android devices.
2. Google Play is an online store where people can find their favorite applications, games, movies, TV shows, books, and more.
3. There are 2 million applications and games available for billions of people in the world.
4. So far, developers have earned more than $120 billion from these.
The website https://www.irctc.co.in is related to:
533 064a5966aaa4c004ce31e2de31. Website https://www.irctc.co.in belongs to Indian Railways.
2. IRCTC has revolutionized the lives of the common man traveling by Indian Railways.
3. IRCTC online ticket booking system is a boon for the common man, empowering him through technology.
A main page of a website is _______ which acts as a gateway to the rest of the website's pages.
525 064a567be9a74b54cff58f2311. The main page of a website is the home page which acts as a gateway to the rest of the pages of the website. The home page is usually the gateway to the website.
2. A home page is a webpage that serves as the starting point of a website.
3. This is the default webpage that loads when visiting a web address that contains only a domain name.