English(TET) Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Choose the incorrect option:
Connectors join together ______.
575 1625cfae54f26394ba195ad2d
625cfae54f26394ba195ad2dConnectors join together ______.
- 1sentencesfalse
- 2wordsfalse
- 3phrasesfalse
- 4prepositionstrue
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Answer : 4. "prepositions"
Q: Did you get that book ____ Surbhi?
692 0625cf8b04f26394ba195a67b
625cf8b04f26394ba195a67b- 1atfalse
- 2offfalse
- 3tofalse
- 4fromtrue
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Answer : 4. "from"
Q: Let us not confuse liberty ______ license.
778 0625cf84dd791b26ac681cc54
625cf84dd791b26ac681cc54- 1withtrue
- 2fromfalse
- 3forfalse
- 4thanfalse
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Answer : 1. "with "
Q: Ashoka is worthy ______ remembrance.
1031 1625cf804d791b26ac681cc3b
625cf804d791b26ac681cc3b- 1withfalse
- 2atfalse
- 3forfalse
- 4oftrue
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Answer : 4. "of "
Q:Passage: First of all, I need work, and a decent wage for my work. Aristotle defined happiness. not as a sum of pleasures, but as unimpeded activity. I want work which is hard but interesting. I am exceptionally lucky because I can choose my own work to a large extent. If I want respite from science I can go and be a war correspondent, or write children's stories or make political speeches.
I require friendship. Particularly I require friendship of my colleagues and comrades in scientific and political work. I want the society of equals who will criticize me, and whom I can criticize.
According to Aristotle, happiness is
725 062555250ac719c4dd286dd63
62555250ac719c4dd286dd63I require friendship. Particularly I require friendship of my colleagues and comrades in scientific and political work. I want the society of equals who will criticize me, and whom I can criticize.
- 1a sum of pleasuresfalse
- 2unimpeded activitytrue
- 3impeded activityfalse
- 4hard workfalse
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Answer : 2. "unimpeded activity "
Q:Passage: First of all, I need work, and a decent wage for my work. Aristotle defined happiness. not as a sum of pleasures, but as unimpeded activity. I want work which is hard but interesting. I am exceptionally lucky because I can choose my own work to a large extent. If I want respite from science I can go and be a war correspondent, or write children's stories or make political speeches.
I require friendship. Particularly I require friendship of my colleagues and comrades in scientific and political work. I want the society of equals who will criticize me, and whom I can criticize.
Conjunction in sentence 3 is
752 0625551c978843749605c3562
625551c978843749605c3562I require friendship. Particularly I require friendship of my colleagues and comrades in scientific and political work. I want the society of equals who will criticize me, and whom I can criticize.
- 1wantfalse
- 2hardfalse
- 3buttrue
- 4interestingfalse
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Answer : 3. "but "
Q: An elegy usually gives expression to a-
767 0625550fdac719c4dd286c0a6
625550fdac719c4dd286c0a6- 1feeling of joyfalse
- 2sense of losstrue
- 3feeling of victoryfalse
- 4sense of defeatfalse
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Answer : 2. "sense of loss "
Q: A Shakespearean sonnet usually contains -
674 062554fcd05609549659d80e6
62554fcd05609549659d80e6- 1seven coupletsfalse
- 2four stanzasfalse
- 3three couplets and two stanzasfalse
- 4three stanzas and a couplettrue
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