Fill in the Blank Practice Question and Answer
5 Q: Each sentence below has a blank and each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Raj was___ introvert and would prefer to sit in the library rather than go out with friend’s birthday.
2156 05d4942952ef8ad44d16189cf
5d4942952ef8ad44d16189cfRaj was___ introvert and would prefer to sit in the library rather than go out with friend’s birthday.
- 1thefalse
- 2afalse
- 3likefalse
- 4forfalse
- 5antrue
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Answer : 5. "an"
Q: Each sentence below has a blank and each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Shanku was born___ a silver spoon in his mouth and was very proud of his wealth.
2923 15d49448685c77648500b599a
5d49448685c77648500b599aShanku was born___ a silver spoon in his mouth and was very proud of his wealth.
- 1withtrue
- 2alongfalse
- 3onfalse
- 4withinfalse
- 5wishingfalse
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Answer : 1. "with"
Q: Each sentence below has a blank and each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Laxmi lost an important file and rather than confessing her ___ she blamed Sandra for losing it.
4692 15d49453b2ef8ad44d161911a
5d49453b2ef8ad44d161911aLaxmi lost an important file and rather than confessing her ___ she blamed Sandra for losing it.
- 1respectfalse
- 2imagefalse
- 3attitudefalse
- 4defaultfalse
- 5mistaketrue
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Answer : 5. "mistake"
Q: Each sentence below has a blank and each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Jacob was a rich old man who lived____ alone in a huge house because his children did not care about him.
7350 15d4945bb2ef8ad44d16191ea
5d4945bb2ef8ad44d16191eaJacob was a rich old man who lived____ alone in a huge house because his children did not care about him.
- 1Onlyfalse
- 2Alltrue
- 3morefalse
- 4toofalse
- 5littlefalse
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Answer : 2. "All"
Q: Each sentence below has a blank and each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Rajeev was upset because he____ forgotten his best friend’s birthday.
4043 05d49420985c77648500b510a
5d49420985c77648500b510aRajeev was upset because he____ forgotten his best friend’s birthday.
- 1havefalse
- 2shallfalse
- 3willfalse
- 4mightfalse
- 5hadtrue
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