Indian Geography Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Plantation of trees on a large scale to check soil erosion are called:
5158 05ed4b522ebc5ce408e26b262
5ed4b522ebc5ce408e26b262- 1Afforestationtrue
- 2Contour ploughingfalse
- 3Shelter beltsfalse
- 4Strip croppingfalse
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Answer : 1. "Afforestation "
Explanation :
Soil erosion is a serious environmental problem. Steps should be taken to curb this problem. Following are some ways to prevent soil erosion:
1. Plant trees on barren lands to prevent soil erosion.
2. Add mulch and rocks to trap plants and grass beneath to prevent soil erosion.
3. Mulch matting can be used to reduce erosion on slopes.
4. Place a series of fiber logs to prevent any water or soil from flowing away.
5. A wall at the base of a slope can help prevent soil erosion.
6. Every house should have proper drainage system so that water can flow into proper water collection systems.
7. Afforestation is the planting of trees on a large scale to check soil erosion.
Q: Which of the following is not a Rabi crop?
1061 05f9fc3d633d1d86b9ab1520f
5f9fc3d633d1d86b9ab1520f- 1Rye (mustard)false
- 2Ricetrue
- 3Wheatfalse
- 4Gramfalse
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Answer : 2. "Rice"
Explanation :
Rabi season crops – Rabi crops are generally sown in the months of October and November and harvested from April to May.
Major crops of Rabi season – wheat, barley, gram, mustard, peas, berseem, rizka, green fodder, lentils, potato, rye, tobacco, lahi, oats, linseed and sunflower etc. Rabi season crops require low temperature at the time of sowing, hence they are sown in winter season. There should be a dry and warm environment for them to ripen.
Q: The Gulf of Mannar is situated along the Southern coast of
1121 05ff6b63c7925496d2ab6af61
5ff6b63c7925496d2ab6af61- 1Keralafalse
- 2Tamil Nadutrue
- 3Odishafalse
- 4Goafalse
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Answer : 2. "Tamil Nadu"
Explanation :
1. Palk Strait is a strait between the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the Mannar district of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
2. This strait connects the Bay of Bengal to the Palk Bay in the north-east and then to the Gulf of Mannar in the south-west.
3. The strait that separates India and Sri Lanka is the Palak Strait.
Q: Which country is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea formed by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar?
1066 0607ea0ad0372d85428951cc5
607ea0ad0372d85428951cc5- 1Bangladeshfalse
- 2Myanmarfalse
- 3Sri Lankatrue
- 4Pakistanfalse
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Answer : 3. "Sri Lanka"
Q: Which of the nations are connected with Palk Strait-
649 0632daaa9751e5310a5d0cf03
632daaa9751e5310a5d0cf03- 1India and Sri Lankatrue
- 2North Korea and South Koreafalse
- 3Pakistan and Chinafalse
- 4Britain and Francefalse
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Answer : 1. "India and Sri Lanka"
Explanation :
1. Palk Strait is a strait between the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the Mannar district of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
2. This strait connects the Bay of Bengal to the Palk Bay in the north-east and then to the Gulf of Mannar in the south-west.
3. The strait that separates India and Sri Lanka is the Palak Strait.
Q: Which of the following strait separates India and Srilanka?
716 06329eb35751e5310a5bc6536
6329eb35751e5310a5bc6536- 1Gibraltor Straitfalse
- 2Pak Straittrue
- 3Bering Straitfalse
- 4Sunda Straitfalse
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Answer : 2. "Pak Strait"
Explanation :
1. Palk Strait is a strait between the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the Mannar district of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
2. This strait connects the Bay of Bengal to the Palk Bay in the north-east and then to the Gulf of Mannar in the south-west.
3. The strait that separates India and Sri Lanka is the Palak Strait.
Q: Varkala Beach is situated in which of the following state in India?
774 06329ca431656651c9e94f556
6329ca431656651c9e94f556- 1Tamil Nadufalse
- 2Keralatrue
- 3Manipurfalse
- 4Arunachal Pradeshfalse
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Answer : 2. "Kerala"
Explanation :
Varkala Beach is located in the Indian state of Kerala. It is situated on the Arabian Sea, 51 km northwest of Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) and 37 km south-west of Kollam. Varkala is the only place in southern Kerala where high rocks meet the ocean. These Tertiary sedimentary rock formations are a unique geological feature in the otherwise flat coastal area of Kerala and are known among geologists as the Varkala Formation and have been declared a geological monument by the Geological Survey of India. There are many water springs and spas on the slopes of these rocks.
Q: Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant was established with the technical collaboration of britain?
764 062681d0be1e2a840c33a386c
62681d0be1e2a840c33a386c- 1Bokaro Steel Plantfalse
- 2Durgapur Steel Planttrue
- 3Raurkela Steel Plantfalse
- 4Vijaynagar Steel Plantfalse
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Answer : 2. "Durgapur Steel Plant"
Explanation :
1. Hindustan Steel Limited, Durgapur
2. It was established in 1957 with the help of Britain.
3. It is located in Durgapur, Bengal.