Indian History Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Gautama Buddha’s birthplace is marked by which of the following?
478 06335778e5c208a6bf71581f9
6335778e5c208a6bf71581f9- 1Rummindei Pillar of Ashoka Mauryatrue
- 2Sculpturefalse
- 3Banyan Treefalse
- 4Buddhist Monasteryfalse
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Answer : 1. "Rummindei Pillar of Ashoka Maurya"
Explanation :
The site of birth of Gautama Budha is marked by a Rummindei Pillar of ‘Ashoka the Great’. Ashoka built the Sarnath Pillar to preaching of Lord Buddha. He reduced tax to 1/8th past because Gautama Buddha was born there.
Q: Gautama Buddha was born at–
656 0633577302ff7535af680e362
633577302ff7535af680e362- 1Kushinagarfalse
- 2Sarnathfalse
- 3Bodh Gayafalse
- 4Lumbinitrue
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Answer : 4. "Lumbini"
Explanation :
Lumbini is a Buddist pilgrimage site in the Rupandehi district of Nepal. It is the place where Queen Mayadevi gave birth to Siddharta Gautama, who as the Buddha Gautama founded the Budhist tradition. The Buddha lived between roughly 563 and 483 BC
Q: Which of the following books was written by the Roman writer Pliny the Elder?
492 064b51fbe2dc867f593f5f0d9
64b51fbe2dc867f593f5f0d9- 1Indicafalse
- 2Natural Historytrue
- 3Geographicafalse
- 4Periplus of the Erythraean Seafalse
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Answer : 2. "Natural History"
Explanation :
1. Pliny the Elder was a Roman natural philosopher.
2. The book written by the Roman writer Pliny the Elder is Natural History.
3. It is an encyclopedia covering all aspects of the natural world, including geography, zoology, botany, astronomy, agriculture, mathematics, pharmacology, mining, mineralogy, sculpture, art precious stones, etc.
Q: In which Indian state is the place where the Dandi Salt March took place today?
430 064b182d4e154aff53366c415
64b182d4e154aff53366c415- 1Keralafalse
- 2Kashmirfalse
- 3Gujarattrue
- 4Delhifalse
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Answer : 3. "Gujarat"
Explanation :
1. The place where Dandi Salt March was carried out is today located in Gujarat state of India.
2. This place is on the coast of Arabian Sea near Dandi city.
3. Dandi March lasted from March 12, 1930 to April 6, 1930.
4. This journey was led by Mahatma Gandhi.
5. The purpose of this journey was to protest against the salt monopoly imposed by the British government.
Q: Litti Chokha is a famous cuisine of which of the following states?
544 064b180242d3130f57524d711
64b180242d3130f57524d711- 1Maharashtrafalse
- 2Bihartrue
- 3Gujaratfalse
- 4Odishafalse
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Answer : 2. "Bihar"
Explanation :
1. Litti Chokha is a famous dish of Singrauli (Bihar).
2. It is made with whole wheat, black gram flour and brinjal. This dish has a rich flavor of Indian spices.
Q: In which year was the partition of Bengal carried out by the British Viceroy Lord Curzon?
370 064b1799b2d3130f57524bbe8
64b1799b2d3130f57524bbe8- 11905true
- 21901false
- 31907false
- 41911false
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Answer : 1. "1905"
Explanation :
Bengal Partition
1. In 1905, Lord Curzon divided the Bengal province of India into two parts.
2. West Bengal was Hindu majority, while East Bengal was Muslim majority.
3. The purpose of this partition was to create a Muslim-majority province in India, but instead, it led to communal tension and strengthening of the Indian national movement.
4. Opposition to the Partition of Bengal was widespread across India, and it was eventually annulled in 1911.
Q: Who emerged victorious in ‘The Siege of Arcot’ in 1751 AD?
650 064b176dd568e7ff594a28bd5
64b176dd568e7ff594a28bd5- 1Frenchfalse
- 2Dutchfalse
- 3Portuguesefalse
- 4Britishtrue
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Answer : 4. "British"
Explanation :
1. The British army was victorious in the Battle of Arcot or the Siege of Arcot (1751 AD).
2. It was led by the forces of Robert Clive and the Nawab of Carnatic, Chanda Sahib, assisted by a small number of French East India Company troops.
Q: Moved by the Swadeshi Movement, ______ painted his famous image of Bharat Mata portraying her as an ascetic figure.
475 064a693b9b394764d11b61852
64a693b9b394764d11b61852- 1Satyendranath Tagorefalse
- 2Abanindranath Tagoretrue
- 3Jyotirindranath Tagorefalse
- 4Dwijendranath Tagorefalse
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Answer : 2. "Abanindranath Tagore"
Explanation :
1. Inspired by the Swadeshi movement, Abanindranath Tagore painted his famous image of Mother India, in which she is depicted as an ascetic figure.
2. A nephew of the Indian poet and artist Rabindranath Tagore, Abanindranath was exposed to the artistic inclinations of the Tagore family at an early age.