886 1627aac887fd9300164b968f4627aac887fd9300164b968f4In which year 'Bengal Sati Regulation' was banned for the first time to prevent the practice of Sati? went ?
927 061dc481255aa960ea1987e2dThere is a provision of punishment under the Indian Penal Code?
803 061dc499755aa960ea19883b6The tenure of the members of Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights is
752 061dc48b055aa960ea1987f55What is the most common punishment for employing a child to beg?
921 061dc476c6e3e9f13829f6fc4Under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, at what level has the Special Juvenile Police Unit been constituted?
774 061dc469e24fc4017e636fea0When did the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act come into force?
781 061dc45ff55aa960ea198796dThe scope of domestic violence includes?
723 061dc34386e3e9f13829f09fd