World History Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Whose teaching inspired the French Revolution?
1137 06066cf6f5815fc6501fae0a9
6066cf6f5815fc6501fae0a9- 1Hegalfalse
- 2Platofalse
- 3Lockefalse
- 4Rousseautrue
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Answer : 4. "Rousseau"
Explanation :
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an Enlightenment philosopher, political theorist, and writer, had a profound influence on the intellectual climate leading up to the French Revolution. His ideas, particularly those expressed in works like "The Social Contract" and "Emile," emphasized the concepts of popular sovereignty, equality, and the general will. Rousseau's emphasis on individual rights, democratic principles, and the idea that government should be based on the will of the people contributed to the ideological foundation that inspired the leaders and thinkers of the French Revolution in the late 18th century.
Q: In which year did the German Christian missionaries reach Ranchi?
2084 0604f15d3a01bc44789a0fdb6
604f15d3a01bc44789a0fdb6- 11851 A.D.false
- 21857 A.D.false
- 31845 A.D.true
- 41832 A.D.false
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Answer : 3. "1845 A.D."
Explanation :
In 1845 A.D., German Christian missionaries arrived in Ranchi. These missionaries played a significant role in the establishment and development of Christian missions in the region. Their efforts contributed to the growth of Christianity in Ranchi and the surrounding areas, impacting the local communities and cultural landscape.
Q: Who was the first Indian to be appointed a judge in the International Court of Justice?
4730 35ef30e507c1ec61320b1bc7c
5ef30e507c1ec61320b1bc7c- 1Shri R. s. Readerfalse
- 2Mr. B. N. Raofalse
- 3Dr. Nagendra Singhtrue
- 4Mr. B. N. Kirpalfalse
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Answer : 3. "Dr. Nagendra Singh"
Explanation :
Justice Nagendra Singh served as the President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) from 1985 to 1988. He is one of the four judges from India to have been inducted in the ICJ which is based in The Hague, Netherlands.
Q: Whom is the United Nations funded?
1743 05ef30c69d40ebf3f782f86fe
5ef30c69d40ebf3f782f86fe- 1Russiafalse
- 2Switzerlandfalse
- 3Americafalse
- 4member nationstrue
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Answer : 4. "member nations"
Explanation :
The United Nations is primarily funded by its member nations. Member states contribute funds to support the regular budget of the United Nations, which covers essential expenses for the organization's operations. Assessments for the regular budget are based on a country's capacity to pay, taking into account its relative wealth and income. Additionally, the UN may receive voluntary contributions for specific programs or initiatives from member nations and other entities. Therefore, the correct answer is:
(D) Member Nations
Q: When was the San Francisco Conference?
2680 05ef309a781a47f2e7aec665e
5ef309a781a47f2e7aec665e- 125 April 1942false
- 225 April 1947false
- 325 April 1946false
- 425 April 1945true
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Answer : 4. "25 April 1945"
Explanation :
The San Francisco Conference, officially known as the United Nations Conference on International Organization, took place from April 25 to June 26, 1945. Therefore, the correct answer is:
(D) 25 April 1945
Q: In which conference was the final approval on the constitution of the United Nations?
1381 05ef30950d40ebf3f782f6e26
5ef30950d40ebf3f782f6e26- 1Moscow Conferencefalse
- 2San Francisco Conferencetrue
- 3Yalta Conferencefalse
- 4Tehran Conferencefalse
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Answer : 2. "San Francisco Conference"
Explanation :
The San Francisco Conference, also known as the United Nations Conference on International Organization, was held in 1945. During this conference, the final approval and adoption of the United Nations Charter occurred. Delegates from various countries gathered in San Francisco to establish the UN, and the charter, which serves as the foundational document of the organization, was signed on June 26, 1945. This marked a significant step in the post-World War II efforts to promote international cooperation, peace, and security.
Q: During World War II, which country officially assisted Germany against Russia while remaining neutral?
1888 05ef302f7bea49d16b4796886
5ef302f7bea49d16b4796886- 1Switzerlandtrue
- 2Swedenfalse
- 3Turkeyfalse
- 4Spainfalse
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Answer : 1. "Switzerland"
Explanation :
The San Francisco Conference, held in 1945, was where the United Nations (UN) Charter was negotiated and signed. President Harry S. Truman of the United States gave the inaugural address at this conference, emphasizing the importance of establishing an international organization to promote peace and cooperation after the end of World War II. The UN was subsequently founded, and its charter came into effect on October 24, 1945.
Q: The capital city reputed to be the oldest in the world is:
3012 05ee3606df72c0e153c827dfb
5ee3606df72c0e153c827dfb- 1Romefalse
- 2Damascustrue
- 3Alexandriafalse
- 4Athensfalse
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Answer : 2. "Damascus"
Explanation :
Syria's capital, Damascus, is the oldest capital in existence. It is the fourth holiest city in Islam, according to some. Damascus was established in the third millennium B.C., making it one of the Middle East's oldest cities.