Types of Arithmetic Problems with Solutions

Important Arithmetical Verbal Reasoning Tricks
Direction (11 to 13) : The Diagram given below shows the number of students who got distinction in three subjects out of 500 students. Study the diagram carefully and answer the question that follow:
Q.11. What is the percentage of students who got distinction in two subjects?
(A) 8%
(B) 9%
(C) 10%
(D) 12%
Ans . A
Q.12. What is the percentage of students who got distinction?
(A) 28%
(B) 35%
(C) 38%
(D) 40%
Ans . C
Q.13. The percentage of students with distinction marks in Mathematics is
(A) 17.8 %
(B) 18.6 %
(C) 19.2 %
(D) 20.6 %
Ans . A
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